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Meteor cordova ios facebook login

How to get facebook login working with Meteor and Cordova on iOS

Step 1: Make your local dev site internet accessible

Because there is an issue with OAuth2 login and localhost development, you currently have to deploy your meteor site to be able to test the Facebook login. A nice little workaround for this is to make the local instance of meteor accessible externally.

There is a great online guide for setting up port forwarding with your router and you can check your public external IP here.

For example, If you have an Apple router, simply open up Airport Utility on your Mac and click edit on your router, then go to the Network tab. Under Port Settings click the + icon and select Personal Web Sharing, setting all of the public and private ports to 3000. Make sure the private IP is set to your current computer IP.

The end result of this is that if you meteor locally, you'll be able to access it at http://localhost:3000 on your computer and http://externalIP:3000 from anywhere.

Step 2: Add packages and plugins

For the sake of this walk-through, I'm going to set up a project from scratch.

Create the project

meteor create facebook-login
cd facebook-login

Add the required packages

meteor add accounts-ui
meteor add mrt:accounts-facebook-cordova

Note: The accounts-facebook-cordova package is used instead of the accounts-facebook package.

Add the IOS platform

meteor add-platform ios

Add the facebook button. Open up the HTML file in your project and put {{> loginButtons}} in the hello template.

Add the cordova plugin. This one is crucial to get right as it makes the facebook login use the native app on your phone, instead of an in-app 'popup'. It is also important to install this directly from a tarball, and not from the cordova library as to avoid a problem in x-code which results in a 'FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h' file not found error.

meteor add cordova:com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect@

Add version 0.12.0

meteor add cordova:com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect@

Step 3: Configure facebook

Start up your meteor app locally by typing meteor from within the directory in terminal. You will get an error saying Meteor settings for accounts-facebook-cordova not configured correctly. which you can ignore for now.

Go to your external IP that you set up earlier in a desktop browser and if you've done it correctly you should see the same result as visiting http://localhost:3000. Click "Configure Facebook Login" and follow the instructions. The only differences are:

  • Set your Site URL to http://localhost:3000/ and your Mobile URL to http://externalIP:3000/.
  • Choose "Redirect based login at the bottom.
  • Make note of your APP ID, name and secret. You'll need them again in a minute.

Step 4: Configure your app

Stop the meteor instance that is running by pressing control + c in terminal.

2 files are required for configuration. Both need to be created in the root directory of your project.


This is the equivalent of the cordova config.xml file. Place in here the following:

App.configurePlugin('com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect', {
	APP_ID: 'YourFacebookAppId',
	APP_NAME: 'YourFacebookAppName'


This file tells the facebook cordova plugin what settings to use and which permissions to ask for.

  "facebook": {
    "appId": "YourFacebookAppId",
    "secret": "YourFacebookAppSecret"
  "public": {
    "facebook": {
      "permissions": [

Note: I think that if you are creating a hybrid app that needs to work in the browser also, you have to request the permissions the normal way as well.

Step 5: Run it on your phone!

Plug in your phone to your computer and type the following.

meteor run ios-device --mobile-server http://externalIP:3000 --settings settings.json

This tells meteor to run the app on your ios-device using the external IP you provided (which is really just your local machine) and with the settings.json file we created earlier.

After it has opened in XCode, run the app on your phone by selecting it from the dropdown at the top and then clicking the play button. Note - you may have to click "Trust" on your phone the first time you run it.

You should now be able to login using Facebook using the native app!

Step 6: Build mobile app

rm -rf .meteor/local/cordova-build

=> fix error

	While removing plugins <....>
	from Cordova project:
	TypeError: Cannot read property 'buffer' of undefined
ROOT_URL=<external-url>:<port> meteor build <build-path>  --server <external-url>:<port> --mobile-settings settings.json

XCode set:

Project > Build Settings > Build Options > Enable Bitcode = No

Update plist (prepare for ios9)


FBSDKMessengerShareKit < v4.6,


Step 7: Debug on android

Device Debugging First, ensure you have an Android device connected and are running your app via meteor run android-device.

Remote Debugging

To remote debug your Android app in Chrome, navigate to chrome://inspect/#devices and enable "Discover USB devices". You should see your device in the list below and can launch the inspector by clicking "Inspect".


You can tail the device's logs using the following command:

$ adb logcat

Step 8: Get hash key of a apk

MAC: keytool -list -printcert -jarfile ~/Downloads/YOURAPKFILE.apk | grep "SHA1: " | cut -d " " -f 3 | xxd -r -p | openssl base64

LINUX: keytool -list -printcert -jarfile [path_to_your_apk] | grep -Po "(?<=SHA1:) .*" | xxd -r -p | openssl base64

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