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Created December 8, 2016 22:04
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#include "Pipeline.h"
* Initializes a Pipeline.
namespace grip {
Pipeline::Pipeline() {
* Runs an iteration of the Pipeline and updates outputs.
* Sources need to be set before calling this method.
void Pipeline::Process(){
//Step Blur0:
cv::Mat blurInput = source0;
BlurType blurType = BlurType::GAUSSIAN;
double blurRadius = 1.8018018018018018; // default Double
blur(blurInput, blurType, blurRadius, this->blurOutput);
//Step HSL_Threshold0:
cv::Mat hslThresholdInput = blurOutput;
double hslThresholdHue[] = {51.798561151079134, 99.01528013582343};
double hslThresholdSaturation[] = {68.79496402877697, 255.0};
double hslThresholdLuminance[] = {36.690647482014384, 166.2478777589134};
hslThreshold(hslThresholdInput, hslThresholdHue, hslThresholdSaturation, hslThresholdLuminance, this->hslThresholdOutput);
//Step Find_Contours0:
cv::Mat findContoursInput = hslThresholdOutput;
bool findContoursExternalOnly = false; // default Boolean
findContours(findContoursInput, findContoursExternalOnly, this->findContoursOutput);
//Step Filter_Contours0:
vector<vector<Point> > filterContoursContours = findContoursOutput;
double filterContoursMinArea = 600.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMinPerimeter = 0.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMinWidth = 0.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMaxWidth = 1000.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMinHeight = 0.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMaxHeight = 1000.0; // default Double
double filterContoursSolidity[] = {0, 100};
double filterContoursMaxVertices = 1000000.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMinVertices = 0.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMinRatio = 0.0; // default Double
double filterContoursMaxRatio = 1000.0; // default Double
filterContours(filterContoursContours, filterContoursMinArea, filterContoursMinPerimeter, filterContoursMinWidth, filterContoursMaxWidth, filterContoursMinHeight, filterContoursMaxHeight, filterContoursSolidity, filterContoursMaxVertices, filterContoursMinVertices, filterContoursMinRatio, filterContoursMaxRatio, this->filterContoursOutput);
//Step Convex_Hulls0:
vector<vector<Point> > convexHullsContours = filterContoursOutput;
convexHulls(convexHullsContours, this->convexHullsOutput);
* This method is a generated setter for source0.
* @param source the Mat to set
void Pipeline::setsource0(cv::Mat &source0){
* This method is a generated getter for the output of a Blur.
* @return Mat output from Blur.
cv::Mat* Pipeline::getblurOutput(){
return &(this->blurOutput);
* This method is a generated getter for the output of a HSL_Threshold.
* @return Mat output from HSL_Threshold.
cv::Mat* Pipeline::gethslThresholdOutput(){
return &(this->hslThresholdOutput);
* This method is a generated getter for the output of a Find_Contours.
* @return ContoursReport output from Find_Contours.
vector<vector<Point> >* Pipeline::getfindContoursOutput(){
return &(this->findContoursOutput);
* This method is a generated getter for the output of a Filter_Contours.
* @return ContoursReport output from Filter_Contours.
vector<vector<Point> >* Pipeline::getfilterContoursOutput(){
return &(this->filterContoursOutput);
* This method is a generated getter for the output of a Convex_Hulls.
* @return ContoursReport output from Convex_Hulls.
vector<vector<Point> >* Pipeline::getconvexHullsOutput(){
return &(this->convexHullsOutput);
* Softens an image using one of several filters.
* @param input The image on which to perform the blur.
* @param type The blurType to perform.
* @param doubleRadius The radius for the blur.
* @param output The image in which to store the output.
void Pipeline::blur(cv::Mat &input, BlurType &type, double doubleRadius, cv::Mat &output) {
int radius = (int)(doubleRadius + 0.5);
int kernelSize;
switch(type) {
case BOX:
kernelSize = 2 * radius + 1;
cv::blur(input,output,cv::Size(kernelSize, kernelSize));
kernelSize = 6 * radius + 1;
cv::GaussianBlur(input, output, cv::Size(kernelSize, kernelSize), radius);
case MEDIAN:
kernelSize = 2 * radius + 1;
cv::medianBlur(input, output, kernelSize);
cv::bilateralFilter(input, output, -1, radius, radius);
* Segment an image based on hue, saturation, and luminance ranges.
* @param input The image on which to perform the HSL threshold.
* @param hue The min and max hue.
* @param sat The min and max saturation.
* @param lum The min and max luminance.
* @param output The image in which to store the output.
//void hslThreshold(Mat *input, double hue[], double sat[], double lum[], Mat *out) {
void Pipeline::hslThreshold(cv::Mat &input, double hue[], double sat[], double lum[], cv::Mat &out) {
cv::cvtColor(input, out, cv::COLOR_BGR2HLS);
cv::inRange(out, cv::Scalar(hue[0], lum[0], sat[0]), cv::Scalar(hue[1], lum[1], sat[1]), out);
* Finds contours in an image.
* @param input The image to find contours in.
* @param externalOnly if only external contours are to be found.
* @param contours vector of contours to put contours in.
void Pipeline::findContours(cv::Mat &input, bool externalOnly, vector<vector<Point> > &contours) {
std::vector<cv::Vec4i> hierarchy;
int mode = externalOnly ? RETR_EXTERNAL : RETR_LIST;
cv::findContours(input, contours, hierarchy, mode, method);
* Filters through contours.
* @param inputContours is the input vector of contours.
* @param minArea is the minimum area of a contour that will be kept.
* @param minPerimeter is the minimum perimeter of a contour that will be kept.
* @param minWidth minimum width of a contour.
* @param maxWidth maximum width.
* @param minHeight minimum height.
* @param maxHeight maximimum height.
* @param solidity the minimum and maximum solidity of a contour.
* @param minVertexCount minimum vertex Count of the contours.
* @param maxVertexCount maximum vertex Count.
* @param minRatio minimum ratio of width to height.
* @param maxRatio maximum ratio of width to height.
* @param output vector of filtered contours.
void Pipeline::filterContours(vector<vector<Point> > &inputContours, double minArea, double minPerimeter, double minWidth, double maxWidth, double minHeight, double maxHeight, double solidity[], double maxVertexCount, double minVertexCount, double minRatio, double maxRatio, vector<vector<Point> > &output) {
std::vector<cv::Point> hull;
for (std::vector<Point> contour: inputContours) {
cv::Rect bb = boundingRect(contour);
if (bb.width < minWidth || bb.width > maxWidth) continue;
if (bb.height < minHeight || bb.height > maxHeight) continue;
double area = cv::contourArea(contour);
if (area < minArea) continue;
if (arcLength(contour, true) < minPerimeter) continue;
cv::convexHull(Mat(contour, true), hull);
double solid = 100 * area / cv::contourArea(hull);
if (solid < solidity[0] || solid > solidity[1]) continue;
if (contour.size() < minVertexCount || contour.size() > maxVertexCount) continue;
double ratio = bb.width / bb.height;
if (ratio < minRatio || ratio > maxRatio) continue;
* Compute the convex hulls of contours.
* @param inputContours The contours on which to perform the operation.
* @param outputContours The contours where the output will be stored.
void Pipeline::convexHulls(vector<vector<Point> > &inputContours, vector<vector<Point> > &outputContours) {
std::vector<vector<cv::Point> > hull (inputContours.size());
for (int i = 0; i < inputContours.size(); i++ ) {
cv::convexHull(cv::Mat((inputContours)[i]), hull[i], false);
outputContours = hull;
} // end grip namespace
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