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Created April 24, 2023 21:41
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simulation of phenotypic models based on gene expression data
# simulation of models based on gene expression data
# we create two different datasets drawn from normal distributions
# with different mean and standard deviation
# we then normalize the data using quantile normalization
# and fit a logistic regression model with glmnet
# load libraries
# set seed
# define number of genes and samples
n_genes <- 5
n_samples <- 100
# generate development data
df_train <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n_genes*n_samples), nrow=n_samples, ncol=n_genes))
# transpose data
df_train <- t(df_train)
# generate validation data
df_val <- data.frame(matrix(rnorm(n_genes*n_samples, mean=100, sd=10), nrow=n_samples, ncol=n_genes))
# transpose data
df_val <- t(df_val)
# quantile normalization with preprocessCore
df_train_norm <-
rownames(df_train_norm) <- rownames(df_train)
df_val_norm <-
rownames(df_val_norm) <- rownames(df_val)
# tidy data
df_train_norm <- df_train_norm %>% t %>%
df_val_norm <- df_val_norm %>% t %>%
# model definition
df_train_norm <- df_train_norm %>%
mutate(LP = 0.01 * X1 + 0.034 * X2 - 0.056 * X3 - 0.012 * X4 + 0.023 * X5 +
rnorm(nrow(df_train_norm), mean = 0, sd = 0.01))
df_val_norm <- df_val_norm %>%
mutate(LP = 0.01 * X1 + 0.034 * X2 - 0.056 * X3 - 0.012 * X4 + 0.023 * X5 +
rnorm(nrow(df_val_norm), mean = 0, sd = 0.01))
df_train_norm <- df_train_norm %>% mutate(y = ifelse(LP > median(LP), 1, 0))
df_val_norm <- df_val_norm %>% mutate(y = ifelse(LP > median(LP), 1, 0))
df_train_norm_scaled <- df_train_norm %>% mutate(across(-c(y, LP), scale))
df_val_norm_scaled <- df_val_norm %>% mutate(across(-c(y, LP), scale))
model <- glmnet(x = df_train_norm[, 1:5],
y = df_train_norm$y,
family = "binomial",
alpha = 0.5,
lambda = 0.1,
standardize = FALSE)
newx = as.matrix(df_train_norm[, 1:5]),
type = "class")
newx = as.matrix(df_val_norm[, 1:5]),
type = "class")
# load library to compute AUC
auc(as.vector(df_val_norm$y), as.vector(predict(model,
newx = as.matrix(df_val_norm[, 1:5]),
type = "response")))
auc(as.vector(df_val_norm_scaled$y), as.vector(predict(model,
newx = as.matrix(df_val_norm_scaled[, 1:5]),
type = "response")))
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