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Created January 11, 2023 15:25
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Sample and shuffle data to provide a fake dataset with the same structure that can be used for developing methods for sensitive data
def sample_and_shuffle(file, frac=0.1, save_to_file = False, **kwargs):
shuffle each column in a given dataframe and draw n samples
this is useful for developing methods out of the server for sensitive data
and testing on a data file that keeps the same structure
:param file: path to csv file
:param frac: fraction of data to sample
:param save_to_file: save the sampled data to a csv file
:param kwargs: keyword arguments for pandas.read_csv
:return: sampled dataframe
import pandas as pd
# read data
df = pd.read_csv(file, **kwargs)
# sample data
df_shuffled = df.sample(frac=frac)
# shuffle each column
for n, column in enumerate(df.columns):
df_shuffled[column] = df[column].sample(frac=frac).values
# check for data breach on all sampled records
breach = False
for record_id in df_shuffled["record_id"].values:
if (df[df["record_id"]==record_id].values == df_shuffled[df_shuffled["record_id"]==record_id].values).all():
print("data breach on record:", record_id)
breach = True
# save to file
if not breach and save_to_file:
df_shuffled.to_csv("fake_data.csv", sep=";", index=False)
return df_shuffled
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