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Created September 26, 2019 09:59
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Routine for writing vti files extracted from a class
subroutine grid_output(this, filename, other)
class(mesh) :: this
class(cell), optional, intent(in) :: other
character(len=20), intent(in) :: filename
integer :: tag, ip, L(3), nodes, s(3), icom(3), ip_new, gcom(3), lp(3), i
tag = 33423
L = this%L
nodes = this%nodes
if(present(other)) then
gcom = (/ int(anint( other%gcom(1) - other%L(1)/2)), int(anint( other%gcom(2) - other%L(2)/2)), int(anint(other%gcom(3) - other%L(3)/2)) /)
call check_boundary(gcom(1),this%L(1),this%b)
call check_boundary(gcom(2),this%L(2),this%b)
call check_boundary(gcom(3),this%L(3),this%b)
end if
OPEN(UNIT=tag, FILE=trim(filename)//".vti" )
write(tag,'(A)')'<?xml version="1.0"?>'
write(tag,'(A)')'<VTKFile type="ImageData" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian">'
write(tag,'(A,I1,A,I3,A,I1,A,I3,A,I1,A,I3,A)')' <ImageData WholeExtent="',0,' ',L(1),&
' ',0,' ',L(2),' ',0,' ',L(3),'" Origin="0 0 0" Spacing="1 1 1">'
write(tag,'(A,I1,A,I3,A,I1,A,I3,A,I1,A,I3,A)')' <Piece Extent="',0,' ',L(1),' ',0,' ',L(2),' ',0,' ',L(3),'">'
write(tag,*)' <CellData> '
write(tag,*)' <DataArray Name="scalar_data" type="Float64" format="ascii">'
do ip=0, nodes-1
if(present(other)) then
call vec_global2local(s, this%position(ip), gcom, this%L)
ip_new = other%ip(s)
write(tag,'(F10.2)', ADVANCE='no') other%gt(ip_new)
write(tag,'(F10.2)', ADVANCE='no') this%gt(ip)
end if
end do
write(tag,'(A)') ""
write(tag,'(A)')" </DataArray>"
write(tag,'(A)')" </CellData>"
write(tag,'(A)')" </Piece>"
end subroutine grid_output
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