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Script that will list the user account changes events for auditing purpose
Script that will list the user account changes events for auditing purpose.
This script will read and output the user/system account changes in the windows security event log.
It will prompt user if the 'Audit Account Management' is not enabled.
It can be used for auditing purpose, in the following cases
** New user account/group is created.
** The administrator changes other users' password.
** The specified users are added/removed to/from the specified group.
** The user account is enabled/disabled.
** The user account password policy is changed.
** The user attributes are changed.
The following events will be read from security event log and processed:
Example usage:
Author: Phyoe Wai Paing
Country: Myanmar(Burma)
Released: 12/18/2017
.\Get_Account_Audit_Events | Format-Table -auto
Get the account audit events from security log and display in table format.
You can find this script and more at:
### Data Lookup Table according to event ID ###
$AccOperations = DATA { ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @'
4720 = Account Created
4722 = Account Enabled
4723 = Self Reset Password
4724 = Reset Password
4725 = Account Disabled
4726 = Account Deleted
4731 = Group Created
4732 = Added to Security Group
4733 = Removed from Security Group
4734 = Group Deleted
4781 = Account Renamed
### Get all the required Security Events ###
Try {
$AccOpEvents = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashTable @{LogName="Security";ID=4720,4722,4723,4724,4725,4726,4731,4732,4733,4734,4738,4781} -EA Stop ## Get the required events by IDs
catch {
Try { $LogProperties = Get-WinEvent -ListLog security -EA Stop
catch { Write-Host -fore yellow "Cannot Continue. Please run the Powershell in elevated Session."
write-host -fore Red "The required Events are not available.`nPlease increase Security Log File Size and try again later."
Write-Host "Current Log file Size: $($LogProperties.MaximumSizeInBytes/1MB) MB`nLogging Mode: $($LogProperties.LogMode)"
### Check if the Audit Account Management is currently turn on (Audit Success) in local security policy, if not prompt the user to turn it on ###
$NeedtoTurnOnAuditSuccess = 1;
auditpol /get /category:"Account Management" | foreach {$var=$_; @('Computer Account Management','Security Group Management','User Account Management') | foreach { if ($var -match $_ ) { If ($var -match
'Success' ) { $NeedtoTurnOnAuditSuccess = 0; } } } }
### Prompt the user to turn on the Audit Account Management ###
If ($NeedtoTurnOnAuditSuccess)
$ConfirmTurnOnAuditSuccess = Read-Host "Audit Account Management is currently turned off. Do you want to turn it on (y/n)?"
If ($ConfirmTurnOnAuditSuccess -eq 'y' -OR $ConfirmTurnOnAuditSuccess -eq 'yes')
auditpol /set /category:"Account Management" /success:enable | out-null
If ($?) { Write-Host -fore green "Audit Account Management Settings in Local Security Policy has been successfully turned on."}
else { Write-Host -fore Red "Error occurs."}
### Filter the events with ID 4738 from other events ####
$objs =@()
$AccOpIsoEvents = $AccOpEvents | ? { @('4720','4722','4723','4724','4725','4726','4731','4732','4733','4734','4781') -match $ } ## Filter only isolated events (events has separate id for account changes)
$AccID_4738_Events = $AccOpEvents | ? { $ -match 4738 } ## Get events with ID 4738
$AccID_4738_Filtered_Events = $AccID_4738_Events | foreach { if ($AccOpIsoEvents.TimeCreated -match $_.TimeCreated) {} else { $_ } } ## Skip 4738 events that has same time with other events
### If there are not events of id 4738, then make foreach loop only with the isolated events (NON-4738) ###
If ($AccID_4738_Filtered_Events.count)
$AccOpMixedEvents = $AccOpIsoEvents + $AccID_4738_Filtered_Events
{ $AccOpMixedEvents = $AccOpIsoEvents }
$AccOpMixedEvents | foreach {
$obj = New-Object -TypeName PsObject -Property @{Audit="";DateTime="";AccountOperation=""; ID="";TargetAccount=""; ExistingAcc=""; InitiatedBy=""; TargetGroup=""; ExistingGrp="";ChangedValue="" };
$obj.Audit = (($_.KeywordsDisplayNames) | foreach { $_ })[0]
$obj.DateTime = $_.TimeCreated
$obj.ID = $
$obj.AccountOperation = $AccOperations[$]
$Message = $_.Message
$SkipEvent = 0
### Finding the Target Account from SID from $_.Message ###
If ( $ -eq 4726 )
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim() ## Even the field outputs the domain\username (in text) in the event viewer,the powershell outputs as SID value differently
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value ## Check if the SID can be translated into existing account
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim() ## If SID can't be translated, then use the 2nd line after the 'Target Account:'
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID ## If all above Try statements doesn't work, then ouput the SID as it is.
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
## If the event id is 4720 then it's creating new account ###
elseif ($ -eq 4720) {
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("New Account:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("New Account:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
### If the account enable event is following the account creation event in the same time, then skip the event ###
elseIf ( $ -eq 4722 -AND ( ($AccOpIsoEvents | ? { $ -eq 4720 }).TimeCreated ) -match $_.TimeCreated )
$SkipEvent = 1;
### If the 'Add to security Group' event is following the account creation event in the same time, then skip the event ###
elseIf ( $ -eq 4732 -AND ( ($AccOpIsoEvents | ? { $ -eq 4720 }).TimeCreated ) -match $_.TimeCreated )
$SkipEvent = 1;
### If the 'Reset Password' event is following the account creation event in the same time, then skip the event ###
elseIf ( $ -eq 4724 -AND ( ($AccOpIsoEvents | ? { $ -eq 4720 }).TimeCreated ) -match $_.TimeCreated )
$SkipEvent = 1;
## Skip if the event 4732 (Removing Account from Security Group) is followed by account deletion event (ie. both events have same date/time stamp)
elseIf ( $ -eq 4733 -AND ( ($AccOpIsoEvents | ? { $ -eq 4726 }).TimeCreated ) -match $_.TimeCreated )
{ $SkipEvent = 1; }
### If the event id is 4781 then it's renaming the account ###
elseif ( $ -eq 4781)
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
### Get the old account and new account values ###
$OldAccountName = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+3].split(":")[1].Trim()
$NewAccountName = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+4].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ChangedValue = @("Old Account Name:$OldAccountName" , "New Account Name:$NewAccountName") ## Create the array and insert into object's attribute
elseif ($ -eq 4723)
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
### If the event id is 4732 or 4733 then it's adding/removing account to/from security group ###
elseIf ($ -eq 4732 -OR $ -eq 4733 )
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Member:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim() ## Find the SID from $_.Message (after "Member:" line)
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Member:")+1].split(":")[2].Trim() ## If the SID is not found, then look at the 2nd line after "Member:" and add the local computer name prefix
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
### Find the Target Group from $_.Message ####
$SID = ($_.Message -split "\n")[($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Group:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingGrp = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Group:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetGroup = $SID
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
elseif ( $ -eq 4731)
{ ## If the event id is 4731, then it's about creating new security group ##
$SID = ($_.Message -split "\n")[($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("New Group:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingGrp = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("New Group:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetGroup = $SID
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
elseif ( $ -eq 4734)
{ ## If the event id is 4734, then it's about creating new security group ##
$SID = ($_.Message -split "\n")[($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Group:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingGrp = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetGroup = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Group:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetGroup = $SID
$obj.ExistingGrp = "No"
else {
### For the other events, normally insert value for 'Target Account', 'Existing Account' check and so on ###
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
$obj.ExistingAcc = "Yes"
catch {
Try {
$obj.TargetAccount = $env:computername+'\'+($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Target Account:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
catch {
$obj.TargetAccount = $SID
$obj.ExistingAcc = "No"
If ($ -eq 4738) ## If the event id is 4738, we need to output the changed attributes ###
### If the right side of 'User Account Control:' in $_.Message is blank then the return value will be -1 and if so, we'll only output the changed attributes ###
if ( ($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("User Account Control:") -eq -1 )
### List all changed attributes ###
$StartIndex = ($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Changed Attributes:")
$ChangedAttrMsg = ($($StartIndex+1))..$($StartIndex+18) | foreach { ($Message -split "\n")[$_] }
$obj.ChangedValue = $ChangedAttrMsg | foreach { $_.split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -join "" }
$obj.AccountOperation = "Attributes Changed"
{ ## If the right side of 'User Account Control' exists, then we have to loop the lines starting from 'User Account Control' + 1
$StartIndex = ($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("User Account Control:") ## Get the location of the 'User Account Control:' to start the loop from
$Offset = ($_.Message.split("`n")).Trim().indexOf("Additional Information:") - 33 ## The total lines of $_.Message up to 'Additional Information' is 33, the subtracted value is number of lines to output, starting from 'User Account Control' + 1
$ChangedUacMsg = ($($StartIndex+1))..$($StartIndex+$Offset) | foreach { ($Message -split "\n")[$_] } ## Get the required message to output
$obj.ChangedValue = $ChangedUacMsg | foreach { $_.split('',[System.StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries) -join "" } ## we have to eliminated white spaces in each line
$obj.AccountOperation = "UAC Changed"
If (!($SkipEvent)) ## Check to skip the current event and if not, continue adding current object into $objs ###
#### Find the account that initiates ####
$InitiatorSID = ($_.Message -split "\n")[($_.Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Subject:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
$SID = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Subject:")+1].split(":")[1].Trim()
Try {
$obj.InitiatedBy = (New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)).Translate( [System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value
catch {
Try {
$obj.InitiatedBy = ($Message -split "\n")[($Message -split "\n").Trim().IndexOf("Subject:")+2].split(":")[1].Trim()
catch {
$obj.InitiatedBy = $SID
$objs += $obj | select DateTime,AccountOperation,ID,TargetAccount,ExistingAcc,InitiatedBy,TargetGroup,ExistingGrp,ChangedValue ## Collect the objects into object array
$objs | sort DateTime -desc
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