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Last active March 30, 2024 09:38
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Script that will set all esxi hosts into maintenace mode if no VMs are left running
## This script will put the evacuated esxi hosts into maintenance mode if no VMs are running, checked every X seconds for Y duration ##
## $Script_Runtime_in_Minutes : Duration (in minutes) the script will be running
## $Wait_Time_in_Second_for_Next_Check : Duration (in seconds) to wait for the next check of vmhosts
## $VMhost_Name_Criteria : This filters the VMhost to be included according the given regular expression eg: ^192.168.0 to include all the esxi hosts starting with 192.168.0 or leave it blank ("") if you want to include all esxi hosts
## Author : Phyoe Wai Paing
## Date : 15.July.2021
## Version : 1.0 : Initial Release
$Script_Runtime_in_Minutes = 30; ## Y duration described in above comment section
$Wait_Time_in_Second_for_Next_Check = 15; ## X duration described in above comment section
$VMhost_Name_Criteria = "" ## Leave it blank or define it in regular expression to include specific exsi hosts (described in above comment section)
$NumberOfLoops = $Script_Runtime_in_Minutes * 60 / $Wait_Time_in_Second_for_Next_Check
for ($i=0;$i -lt $NumberOfLoops; $i++)
write-host "`nTime: $((get-date).ToString('hh:mm:ss'))`n-------------------------------------------------";
Get-vmhost | ?{ $ -match $VMhost_Name_Criteria } | % {
$NumRunVMs = ($_ | get-vm | ? {$_.Powerstate -eq "PoweredOn"}).Count;
If ($NumRunVMs)
{ write-host "Host: $($_.Name) Running VMs: $NumRunVMs" }
$HostConnectionState = (Get-VMhost -Name $($_.Name)).ConnectionState
If ($HostConnectionState -eq "Maintenance" )
write-host -fore Cyan "Host is already in maintenance mode: $($_.Name)"
elseif ($HostConnectionState -eq "Connected")
write-host -fore green "Host will enter maintenance mode now: $($_.Name)"
Set-vmhost -VMhost $($_.Name) -State Maintenance | out-null;
else {
write-host -fore red "Host is in unknown state: $($_.Name)"
start-sleep -Second $Wait_Time_in_Second_for_Next_Check;
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