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Created January 31, 2013 02:33
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Pseudocode for a corpus builder
search_seed = ['term1','term2'...'ternN'] # implement this as a queue
sentence_count = 0;
sentences = []
while(sentence_count < 150000){
# get search term to use for this iteration
term = initial_seed.dequeue()
# Given a search term, get related sentences
new_sentences = getBingSentences(term)
# Given a term, get related terms
new_terms = getRelatedTerms(term)
# increment sentence count
sentence_count += new_sentences.length
# Add new sentences to corpus
sentences += new_sentences
# done
return sentences
#----- Helper Methods -----
# Given a search term get related sentences by sampling a couple of phrases from each of the top bing search results
def getBingSentences(term, n)
# 1- Get bing search results for each
# 2- For each of the top N results curl -O the page
# 3- Run page html thorugh html extractor (jsoup or tika or... etc )
# 4- Using a regex for sentences (longer than say... 80 characters) find sentences.
# Given a term get related top n terms
def getRelatedTerms(term, n)
# 1- Get bing search results for each
# 2- For each of the top N results curl -O the page
# 3- using tf-idf, skipping stop words, get top terms on each document
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