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Last active November 21, 2018 17:24
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Nuxt Packages
780K source-map
612K vue-server-renderer
508K @nuxt
348K vue-template-compiler
312K vue-meta
296K @nuxtjs
292K resolve
280K useragent
272K esm
248K vue-router
216K node-releases
208K fs-extra
196K mime-db
172K dayjs
168K node-fetch
132K vuex
132K he
124K mustache
108K connect
104K debug
88K minimist
80K send
80K browserslist
76K semver
68K shell-quote
64K consola
60K mime
56K ip
52K http-errors
52K depd
48K term-size
48K deepmerge
48K cross-spawn
44K safe-buffer
44K negotiator
44K lodash.template
44K graceful-fs
44K electron-to-chromium
44K color-convert
40K hash-sum
40K chalk
36K tmp
36K serve-static
36K lodash.uniq
36K jsonify
36K isexe
32K strip-ansi
32K execa
32K compression
32K color-name
32K accepts
28K yallist
28K vue-no-ssr
28K serve-placeholder
28K lru-cache
28K launch-editor
28K jsonfile
28K cookie
28K array-reduce
28K array-map
28K array-filter
24K which
24K statuses
24K stack-trace
24K signal-exit
24K pseudomap
24K path-parse
24K on-finished
24K nuxt-start
24K mime-types
24K finalhandler
24K etag
24K ci-info
20M total
20K vary
20K utils-merge
20K unpipe
20K supports-color
20K setprototypeof
20K server-destroy
20K serialize-javascript
20K range-parser
20K parseurl
20K on-headers
20K lodash.templatesettings
20K is-ci
20K inherits
20K get-stream
20K fresh
20K figures
20K encodeurl
20K compressible
20K cli-boxes
20K bytes
20K browserslist-useragent
20K ansi-align
16K wrap-ansi
16K widest-line
16K universalify
16K strip-eof
16K string-width
16K shebang-regex
16K shebang-command
16K pretty-bytes
16K pify
16K path-key
16K p-finally
16K os-tmpdir
16K object-assign
16K npm-run-path
16K ms
16K lodash.isplainobject
16K lodash._reinterpolate
16K lazy-cache
16K is-stream
16K is-fullwidth-code-point
16K is-extendable
16K has-flag
16K has-ansi
16K for-own
16K for-in
16K escape-string-regexp
16K escape-html
16K ee-first
16K destroy
16K defaults-deep
16K de-indent
16K camelcase
16K boxen
16K ansi-styles
16K ansi-regex
12K std-env
8.0K launch-editor-middleware
4.9M lodash
3.1M caniuse-lite
2.9M vue


Package Size
nuxt nuxt
nuxt-start nuxt-start

Core packages

Package Size
@nuxt/builder @nuxt/builder
@nuxt/cli @nuxt/cli
@nuxt/common @nuxt/common
@nuxt/core @nuxt/core
@nuxt/generator @nuxt/generator
@nuxt/webpack @nuxt/webpack
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