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Created August 19, 2020 18:51
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How to self host Verdaccio

Private Package Repositories

  • Private Packages link
  • Options for self-hosting private package repos link


About Verdaccio link

Useful Commands

yarn config set registry http://localhost:4873
yarn config set registry
# set back to normal
yarn config set registry
npm set registry

Install with docker-compose & Nginx

This guide is adapted from verdaccio/docker-examples. Feel free to use this resource to find examples that fit your needs.

Download the repo

git clone ~/verdaccio

Configure it

First lets update the docker-compose.yaml to work with our setup.

cd ~/verdaccio && nano docker-compose.yaml

Replace it with the following:

version: '3.1'

    restart: unless-stopped
    image: verdaccio/verdaccio:latest
    container_name: 'verdaccio'
      - node-network
      - VERDACCIO_PORT=4873
      - '4873:4873'
      - './storage:/verdaccio/storage'
      - './config:/verdaccio/conf'
      - './plugins:/verdaccio/plugins'
    driver: bridge

Now we will use the example in /conf/docker.yaml to create our Verdaccio config file /config/config.yaml

mkdir -p ~/verdaccio/config && cp ~/verdaccio/conf/docker.yaml ~/verdaccio/config/config.yaml
nano ~/verdaccio/config/config.yaml

Run it

Start the docker container

docker-compose up -d

Check the Web UI

If using a remote server, create a tunnel to your local machine, otherwise skip this.

ssh -L

Now navigate in your browser to http://localhost:4873 and you should see the Verdaccio web UI.

Route with Nginx

Next we need to permanently expose port 4873 to the world. Create /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/verdaccio.conf with the following:

server {

  # NOTE: Using a path eg. is not recommended. It will cause headaches.
  # I recommend using a subdomain instead
  server_name; # CHANGE ME

  listen 80;
  listen [::]:80;
  access_log /var/log/nginx/verdaccio.log;
  charset utf-8;

  location / {
    proxy_set_header Host            $host:$server_port;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
    proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;

Let's put the changes into effect:

sudo nginx -t
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Now we need Certbot to issue an SSL certificate for our server.

sudo certbot --nginx certonly
sudo systemctl reload nginx

Excellent your Verdaccio web UI is now accessible from

Restrict Access

You should always restrict at least publish access, otherwise anyone can spam your repository with junk.

You have two options for restricting access:

  1. Authenticated users only: Use npm adduser command to add a new user with the $authenticated privilege.
  2. Approvelist: Update config.yaml with a list of approved usernames

Regardless of which option you choose, first make sure you can authenticate successfully.

# Always use npm for login, even if you use yarn CLI
npm login

Option 1: Create a new Authenticated user

To get the $authenticated privilege, add yourself as a user to your registry.

npm adduser --registry

Things to pay attention to:

  • Anyone can call this command against your registry to become $authenticated
  • You'll likely want to use the max_users config to limit this to just a few people, and be sure to use all the available slots!

Option 2: Approvelist

Update your config.yaml file with the npm usernames you wish to use, and restart the container.

nano ~/verdaccion/config/config.yaml
cd ~/verdaccio && docker-compose down && docker-compose up -d

Using Verdaccio

We need to tell our local CLI tool, either yarn or npm, to use our private registry.

yarn config set registry
# OR
npm set registry

Now when we run npm install, it will look in our private registry first, before continuing to a fallback. If you ever want to set things back to normal you can use these commands:

yarn config set registry
# OR
npm set registry

Notes / Other

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