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Created December 19, 2009 17:42
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*Main> interactiveParser
a b c
f g
i j
k l
(a (b c d) e (f g h) (i j (k l m n) o p) q)
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import Data.Char
-- Data Types
data Position = Position Int Int
data LayoutInfo = LayoutInfo Bool Int
data SyntaxTree = SyntaxTree String [SyntaxTree]
-- Output Format
instance Show SyntaxTree where
show (SyntaxTree str []) = str
show (SyntaxTree str stree) = "("++str++concatMap ((' ':).show) stree++")"
-- Layout
arbitraryLayout :: LayoutInfo
arbitraryLayout = LayoutInfo False 0
checkLayout :: LayoutInfo -> Position -> Bool
checkLayout (LayoutInfo False n) (Position line column) = n <= column
checkLayout (LayoutInfo True n) (Position line column) = n == column
arbitraryElemLayout :: LayoutInfo -> LayoutInfo
arbitraryElemLayout (LayoutInfo t n) = LayoutInfo False n
tailElemLayout :: LayoutInfo -> LayoutInfo
tailElemLayout (LayoutInfo True n) = LayoutInfo False (n+1)
tailElemLayout layout = layout
-- Parser
getPos :: GenParser token st Position
getPos = do pos <- getPosition
return $ Position (sourceLine pos) (sourceColumn pos)
testPos :: (Show tok) => LayoutInfo -> GenParser tok st ()
testPos layout
= do pos <- getPos
if checkLayout layout pos
then return ()
else do eof >>= const (unexpected "end of file")
unexpected "token position"
tokenizer :: CharParser st String
tokenizer = do str <- many1 alphaNum
return str
parser :: LayoutInfo -> CharParser st SyntaxTree
parser layout
= do testPos layout
t <- tokenizer
pos@(Position line column) <- getPos
body <- if checkLayout (tailElemLayout layout) pos
then many $ parser (LayoutInfo True column)
else return []
return $ SyntaxTree t body
globalParser :: CharParser st SyntaxTree
globalParser = spaces >>= const (parser arbitraryLayout)
-- Parser Tester
strParser :: String -> IO ()
strParser input
= case runParser globalParser () "<string>" input of
Left err -> print err
Right result -> print result
interactiveParser :: IO ()
= do input <- getInput
case runParser globalParser () "<interactive>" input of
Left err -> print err
Right result -> print result
getInput = do h <- getLine
t <- if h == "" then return "" else getInput
return (h++"\n"++t)
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