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Created January 13, 2010 11:33
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import Data.List
data RationalNum = RationalNum Int Int
data Expr = NumExpr Int
| OpExpr String Expr Expr
instance Show Expr where
show (NumExpr a) = show a
show (OpExpr op a b) = "("++op++" "++show a++" "++show b++")"
eval :: Expr -> Maybe RationalNum
eval (NumExpr a) = Just $ RationalNum a 1
eval (OpExpr op a b) = eval a >>=
\(RationalNum an ad) -> eval b >>=
\(RationalNum bn bd) -> lookup op [("+",ratioAdd),("-",ratioSub),("*",ratioMul),("/",ratioDiv)] >>=
\opfunc -> opfunc an ad bn bd
ratioAdd an ad bn bd = Just $ RationalNum (an*bd+bn*ad) (ad*bd)
ratioSub an ad bn bd = Just $ RationalNum (an*bd-bn*ad) (ad*bd)
ratioMul an ad bn bd = Just $ RationalNum (an*bn) (ad*bd)
ratioDiv an ad bn bd = if 0 == ad*bn then Nothing else Just $ RationalNum (an*bd) (ad*bn)
compareIR :: Int -> Maybe RationalNum -> Bool
compareIR a Nothing = False
compareIR a (Just (RationalNum b c)) = b == a*c
genExpr :: [Int] -> [Expr]
genExpr [] = []
genExpr [x] = [NumExpr x]
genExpr xs = concat $ concatMap (\(as,bs) -> [phi a b|a <- genExpr as,b <- genExpr bs]) $
takeWhile ((xs/=).fst) $ map (\n -> (take n xs,drop n xs)) [1..]
where phi a b@(OpExpr "+" _ _) = map (\op -> OpExpr op a b) ["*","/"]
phi a b@(OpExpr "-" _ _) = map (\op -> OpExpr op a b) ["*","/"]
phi a b@(OpExpr "*" _ _) = map (\op -> OpExpr op a b) ["+","-"]
phi a b@(OpExpr "/" _ _) = map (\op -> OpExpr op a b) ["+","-"]
phi a b = map (\op -> OpExpr op a b) ["+","-","*","/"]
genTrueExpr :: Int -> [Int] -> [Expr]
genTrueExpr n xs = filter (compareIR n.eval) $ genExpr xs
main :: IO ()
main = print $ genTrueExpr 2010 [1..9]
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