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Validating Mathematical Structures (Coq Workshop 2019)
Section from_ssrfun.
Local Set Implicit Arguments.
Local Unset Strict Implicit.
Local Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Variables S T R : Type.
Definition left_inverse e inv (op : S -> T -> R) := forall x, op (inv x) x = e.
Definition left_id e (op : S -> T -> T) := forall x, op e x = x.
Definition right_id e (op : S -> T -> S) := forall x, op x e = x.
Definition left_zero z (op : S -> T -> S) := forall x, op z x = z.
Definition right_zero z (op : S -> T -> T) := forall x, op x z = z.
Definition left_distributive (op : S -> T -> S) add :=
forall x y z, op (add x y) z = add (op x z) (op y z).
Definition right_distributive (op : S -> T -> T) add :=
forall x y z, op x (add y z) = add (op x y) (op x z).
Definition commutative (op : S -> S -> T) := forall x y, op x y = op y x.
Definition associative (op : S -> S -> S) :=
forall x y z, op x (op y z) = op (op x y) z.
End from_ssrfun.
Notation id := (fun x => x).
Module Monoid.
Record mixin_of (A : Type) := Mixin {
zero : A;
add : A -> A -> A;
_ : associative add;
_ : left_id zero add;
Record class_of (A : Type) := Class {
mixin : mixin_of A
Structure type :=
Pack { sort : Type; _ : class_of sort }.
Local Definition class (cT : type) : class_of (sort cT) :=
match cT as cT' return class_of (sort cT') with Pack _ c => c end.
(* In MathComp, we declare an `Exports` module to gather definitions, *)
(* coercions, and canonical projections which should be accessible by users, *)
(* to don't make accessible any names of internal definitions with their *)
(* unqualified names, e.g, `mixin_of`, `Mixin`, `class_of`, `type`, `Pack`, *)
(* `sort`, and `class`. Here we comment them out for explanation reasons. *)
Module Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Definition add {A : type} := add _ (mixin _ (class A)).
Definition zero {A : type} := zero _ (mixin _ (class A)).
End Exports.
End Monoid.
(* Export Monoid.Exports. *)
Definition zero {A : Monoid.type} : Monoid.sort A := _ (Monoid.mixin _ (Monoid.class A)).
Definition add {A : Monoid.type} :
Monoid.sort A -> Monoid.sort A ->
Monoid.sort A :=
Monoid.add _ (Monoid.mixin _ (Monoid.class A)).
Check @add.
Check @zero.
Coercion Monoid.sort : Monoid.type >-> Sortclass.
Check @add.
Check @zero.
Module Semiring.
Record mixin_of (A : Monoid.type) := Mixin {
one : A;
mul : A -> A -> A;
_ : commutative (@add A);
_ : associative mul;
_ : left_id one mul;
_ : right_id one mul;
_ : left_distributive mul add;
_ : right_distributive mul add;
_ : left_zero zero mul;
_ : right_zero zero mul;
Record class_of (A : Type) := Class {
base : Monoid.class_of A;
mixin : mixin_of (Monoid.Pack A base)
Structure type :=
Pack { sort : Type; _ : class_of sort }.
Section ClassOps.
Variable (cT : type).
Local Definition class :=
match cT as cT' return class_of (sort cT') with Pack _ c => c end.
Local Definition monoidType : Monoid.type :=
Monoid.Pack (sort cT) (base _ class).
End ClassOps.
Module Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Definition mul {A : type} : A -> A -> A := mul _ (mixin _ (class A)).
Definition one {A : type} : A := one _ (mixin _ (class A)).
Coercion monoidType : type >-> Monoid.type.
Canonical monoidType.
End Exports.
End Semiring.
(* Export Semiring.Exports. *)
Coercion Semiring.sort : Semiring.type >-> Sortclass.
Definition mul {A : Semiring.type} : A -> A -> A :=
Semiring.mul _ (Semiring.mixin _ (Semiring.class A)).
Definition one {A : Semiring.type} : A := _ (Semiring.mixin _ (Semiring.class A)).
Module Group.
Record mixin_of (A : Monoid.type) := Mixin {
opp : A -> A;
_ : left_inverse zero opp add;
Record class_of (A : Type) := Class {
base : Monoid.class_of A;
mixin : mixin_of (Monoid.Pack A base)
Structure type :=
Pack { sort : Type; _ : class_of sort }.
Section ClassOps.
Variable (cT : type).
Local Definition class :=
match cT as cT' return class_of (sort cT') with Pack _ c => c end.
Local Definition monoidType : Monoid.type :=
Monoid.Pack (sort cT) (base _ class).
End ClassOps.
Module Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Definition opp {A : type} : A -> A := opp _ (mixin _ (class A)).
Coercion monoidType : type >-> Monoid.type.
Canonical monoidType.
End Exports.
End Group.
(* Export Group.Exports. *)
Coercion Group.sort : Group.type >-> Sortclass.
Definition opp {A : Group.type} : A -> A :=
Group.opp _ (Group.mixin _ (Group.class A)).
Module Ring.
Record class_of (A : Type) := Class {
base : Group.class_of A;
semiring_mixin :
Semiring.mixin_of (Monoid.Pack A (Group.base A base));
Structure type :=
Pack { sort : Type; _ : class_of sort }.
Section ClassOps.
Variable (cT : type).
Local Definition class :=
match cT as cT' return class_of (sort cT') with Pack _ c => c end.
Local Definition monoidType : Monoid.type :=
(sort cT) (Group.base _ (base _ class)).
Local Definition groupType : Group.type :=
Group.Pack (sort cT) (base _ class).
Local Definition semiringType : Semiring.type :=
(sort cT)
_ (Group.base _ (base _ class)) (semiring_mixin _ class)).
Local Definition group_semiringType : Semiring.type :=
_ (Group.base _ (base _ class)) (semiring_mixin _ class)).
End ClassOps.
Module Exports.
Coercion sort : type >-> Sortclass.
Coercion monoidType : type >-> Monoid.type.
Canonical monoidType.
Coercion groupType : type >-> Group.type.
Canonical groupType.
Coercion semiringType : type >-> Semiring.type.
Canonical semiringType.
Canonical group_semiringType.
End Exports.
End Ring.
(* Export Ring.Exports. *)
Coercion Ring.sort : Ring.type >-> Sortclass.
Module Inheritances.
Local Set Printing All.
(* Semiring *)
Fail Check (fun (A : Semiring.type) => @zero A).
Coercion Semiring.monoidType : Semiring.type >-> Monoid.type.
Check (fun (A : Semiring.type) => @zero A).
Fail Check (add zero one).
Canonical Semiring.monoidType. (* Monoid.sort _ = Semiring.sort _ *)
Check (add zero one).
(* Group *)
Fail Check (fun (A : Group.type) => @zero A).
Coercion Group.monoidType : Group.type >-> Monoid.type.
Check (fun (A : Group.type) => @zero A).
Fail Check (opp zero).
Canonical Group.monoidType. (* Monoid.sort _ = Group.sort _ *)
Check (opp zero).
(* Ring *)
Coercion Ring.monoidType : Ring.type >-> Monoid.type.
Canonical Ring.monoidType. (* Monoid.sort _ = Ring.sort _ *)
Coercion Ring.groupType : Ring.type >-> Group.type.
Canonical Ring.groupType. (* Group.sort _ = Ring.sort _ *)
Coercion Ring.semiringType : Ring.type >-> Semiring.type.
Canonical Ring.semiringType. (* Semiring.sort _ = Ring.sort _ *)
Fail Check (opp one).
Canonical Ring.group_semiringType. (* Semiring.sort _ = Group.sort _ *)
Check (opp one).
Print Canonical Projections.
End Inheritances.
(* `check_join t1 t2 tjoin` assert that the join of `t1` and `t2` is `tjoin`. *)
Tactic Notation "check_join"
open_constr(t1) open_constr(t2) open_constr(tjoin) :=
let rec fillargs t :=
lazymatch type of t with
| forall _, _ => let t' := open_constr:(t _) in fillargs t'
| _ => t
let t1 := fillargs t1 in
let t2 := fillargs t2 in
let tjoin := fillargs tjoin in
let T1 := open_constr:(_ : t1) in
let T2 := open_constr:(_ : t2) in
match tt with
| _ => unify ((id : t1 -> Type) T1) ((id : t2 -> Type) T2)
| _ => fail "There is no join of" t1 "and" t2
let Tjoin :=
lazymatch T1 with
_ (_ ?Tjoin) => Tjoin | _ ?Tjoin => Tjoin | ?Tjoin => Tjoin
match tt with
| _ => is_evar Tjoin
| _ =>
let Tjoin := eval simpl in (Tjoin : Type) in
fail "The join of" t1 "and" t2 "is a concrete type" Tjoin
"but is expected to be" tjoin
let tjoin' := type of Tjoin in
lazymatch tjoin' with
| tjoin => idtac
| _ => fail "The join of" t1 "and" t2 "is" tjoin'
"but is expected to be" tjoin
(* The assertions generated by our tool: *)
Goal False.
check_join Group.type Group.type Group.type.
Fail check_join Group.type Monoid.type Group.type.
Fail check_join Group.type Ring.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Group.type Semiring.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Monoid.type Group.type Group.type.
check_join Monoid.type Monoid.type Monoid.type.
Fail check_join Monoid.type Ring.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Monoid.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
Fail check_join Ring.type Group.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Ring.type Monoid.type Ring.type.
check_join Ring.type Ring.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Ring.type Semiring.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Semiring.type Group.type Ring.type.
Fail check_join Semiring.type Monoid.type Semiring.type.
Fail check_join Semiring.type Ring.type Ring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
Import Inheritances.
Goal False.
check_join Group.type Group.type Group.type.
check_join Group.type Monoid.type Group.type.
check_join Group.type Ring.type Ring.type.
check_join Group.type Semiring.type Ring.type.
check_join Monoid.type Group.type Group.type.
check_join Monoid.type Monoid.type Monoid.type.
check_join Monoid.type Ring.type Ring.type.
check_join Monoid.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
check_join Ring.type Group.type Ring.type.
check_join Ring.type Monoid.type Ring.type.
check_join Ring.type Ring.type Ring.type.
check_join Ring.type Semiring.type Ring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Group.type Ring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Monoid.type Semiring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Ring.type Ring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
(* Z ring instance *)
Require Import ZArith.
Definition Z_monoid := Monoid.Mixin _ 0%Z Z.add Z.add_assoc Z.add_0_l.
Canonical Z_monoidType := Monoid.Pack Z (Monoid.Class _ Z_monoid).
Definition Z_semiring :=
_ 1%Z Z.mul Z.add_comm Z.mul_assoc Z.mul_1_l Z.mul_1_r
Z.mul_add_distr_r Z.mul_add_distr_l Z.mul_0_l Z.mul_0_r.
Module wrong.
Local Set Printing All.
Goal False.
check_join Monoid.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
check_join Semiring.type Monoid.type Semiring.type.
(* A bad example of unification hint. *)
Local Canonical Z_semiringType :=
Semiring.Pack Z_monoidType (Semiring.Class _ _ Z_semiring).
(* ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This must be literally Z. *)
Print Canonical Projections.
(* Monoid.sort <- Semiring.sort ( Z_semiringType ) *)
Goal False.
(* Our unification hints solve `Monoid.sort _ = Semiring.sort _` correctly. *)
check_join Monoid.type Semiring.type Semiring.type.
let t1 := open_constr:(_ : Monoid.type) in
let t2 := open_constr:(_ : Semiring.type) in
unify ((id : _ -> Type) t1) ((id : _ -> Type) t2);
idtac t1;
idtac t2.
(* But they don't behave the same for `Semiring.sort _ = Monoid.sort _`. *)
Fail check_join Semiring.type Monoid.type Semiring.type.
let t1 := open_constr:(_ : Semiring.type) in
let t2 := open_constr:(_ : Monoid.type) in
unify ((id : _ -> Type) t1) ((id : _ -> Type) t2);
idtac t1;
idtac t2.
End wrong.
Canonical Z_semiringType :=
Semiring.Pack Z (Semiring.Class _ _ Z_semiring).
Definition Z_group := Group.Mixin _ Z.opp Z.add_opp_diag_l.
Canonical Z_groupType :=
Group.Pack Z (Group.Class _ _ Z_group).
Canonical Z_ringType :=
Ring.Pack Z (Ring.Class _ (Group.Class _ _ Z_group) Z_semiring).
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