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Created August 21, 2022 20:29
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import os
#function to fix the new CSV format coming from TurboSquid in order work with the old statistics application:
#by Denys Almaral (
def fixCSV(fileName):
newLines.append('"Sales Monthly Details"\n')
newLines.append('"Filter: Year,Month,"\n')
headerSkip = 4
dateIdx = 1
with open(fileName) as f:
lines = f.readlines()
names = str.split(lines[headerSkip], sep=',')
indexing = []
for i in range(0, len(names)):
names[i] = names[i].strip()
#indexing for reordering
idx = nameOrder.index(names[i])
except ValueError:
idx = -1
#now we now names[N] correct position column is indexing[N]
#fix the shit
def fixValue(typeName :str, value:str):
if typeName == 'NAME':
value = value.strip('"')
value = value.replace(',','')
elif typeName == 'DATE':
value = value.strip("\"{}ts '")
return value
def removeCommasInsideQuotes(s :str):
quoted = 0
res = ''
for c in s:
if c=='"':
quoted = quoted + 1
elif c==',':
if quoted % 2 == 1:
c=' '
res = res + c
return res
sampleFirst = None
for i in range(headerSkip+1, len(lines)):
oldLine = removeCommasInsideQuotes( lines[i] )
newValues = [''] * len(nameOrder) #list of length = len(nameOrder)
oldValues = oldLine.split(",")
del oldValues[len(names):] #remove last empty item or anything else at the end
#less than 3 values, is not good line or empty, skip
if len(oldValues)<3:
for j in range(0, len(oldValues)):
if indexing[j] != -1:
newValues[indexing[j]] = oldValues[j]
for j in range(0, len(newValues)):
newValues[j] = fixValue(nameOrder[j], newValues[j])
if i==headerSkip+1:
sampleFirst = newValues
#building new line
newLine = ""
for j in range(0, len(newValues)):
newLine = newLine + newValues[j]+","
newLines.append(newLine + '\n')
#autodetecting output file name
fileNameOut = "EmptyData"
if sampleFirst!= None:
date = sampleFirst[dateIdx]
fileNameOut = date[:7].replace("-","_") + ".csv"
fileNameOut = fileName.parent / fileNameOut
with open(fileNameOut,'w') as fout:
print(str( + " >> " + str(
#fixing TS CSV files in current .py directory
from pathlib import Path
import sys
currdir = Path(__file__).parent
for anyFile in currdir.glob("*.csv"):
except Exception as ex:
input("ERROR press enter:")
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