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Last active October 31, 2019 14:39
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Config for a pretty git log

git config --global alias.lg "log --color --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --"  


git lg

How to merge a branch into master witch was checkouted from another already merged branch

Here we have developed a great feature in a branch (branch-a) that is waiting for review. The problem is that the new feature to develop now needs the feature developed on the branch-a. For that we have to pull a new branch-b from the last branch-a commit.

After a while comes the time to merge the branch-b. While branch-a has been merging for days and other branches have been merged into master ... how not to spend my day trying to merge branch-b into maser ?

Here a representation of our problem:

             -------y1----y2---y3---              branch-b
 ----x1---x2---                                   branch-a
/               \
------------------------------------------------- master

Display logs

git lg

Find the commits to squash (here it is y1, y2 ans y3) and select the previous commit (here it is x2)

* y3 - my y3 commit
* y2 - my y2 commit
* y1 - my y1 commit
* x2 - my x2 commit
* x1 - my x1 commit
* t2m - my commit for t2 merged branche
| * t2 - my t2 commit 
* t1m - my commit for t1 merged branche
| * t1 - my t1 commit 

Rebase interactive from the previous commit of the first commit to squash

git rebase -i x2

pick first commit et squash others

p y1
s y2
s y3

save :wq
save new commit message :wq

Check the logs

git lg

Your y1, y2, y3 are now replaced by a new commit ( ynew )

* ynew - my squash commit containing y1 y2 y3
* x2 - my x2 commit
* x1 - my x1 commit
* t2m - my commit for t2 merged branche
| * t2 - my t2 commit 
* t1m - my commit for t1 merged branche
| * t1 - my t1 commit 

Go back to master and pull

git checkout master
git pull

Checkout a new branch

git checkout -b branch-b-2

Apply the changes on the new branch introduced by ynew with cherry pick command

git cherry-pick ynew

resolve conflict with your favorite tools

commit (No message needed)
git commit

update submodule

git submodule update
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