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Last active October 29, 2021 17:49
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// from c++ version:
// author: wangxiaochi
function ConcatExpr (Left,Right) {this.Left = Left;this.Right=Right} // ab
function AltExpr(Left,Right) {this.Left = Left;this.Right=Right} // a|b
function RepeatExpr(SubExpr) {this.SubExpr= SubExpr;} // a*
function OptionalExpr(SubExpr) {this.SubExpr= SubExpr;} // a?
function MatchExpr(ch) { ch
MatchImplApply = function (expr, target, i, cont) {
switch (true) {
case expr instanceof ConcatExpr:
return MatchImplApply(expr.Left, target, i, (rest,ri) =>
MatchImplApply(expr.Right, rest, ri, cont))
case expr instanceof AltExpr:
return (MatchImplApply(expr.Left, target, i, cont) ||
MatchImplApply(expr.Right, target, i, cont))
case expr instanceof RepeatExpr:
return MatchImplApply(expr.SubExpr, target, i, (rest,ri) =>
(MatchImplApply(expr, rest, ri, cont) || cont(rest,ri))
) || cont(target, i)
case expr instanceof OptionalExpr:
return MatchImplApply(expr.SubExpr, target, i, cont) || cont(target, i)
case expr instanceof MatchExpr:
return target[i] !== undefined && target[i] == && cont(target, i+1) // end of string, match a char
throw "no expression type"
RegexMatch = (RegExpr,target) => // all match
MatchImplApply(RegExpr, target,0, (rest,i) => rest[i] === undefined)
RegexSearch = (RegExpr,target,i) => // partial match from begining
MatchImplApply(RegExpr, target,i, (rest,i) => true) ||
(target[i] !== undefined && RegexSearch(RegExpr, target, i+1))
console.assert(RegexMatch(new ConcatExpr(new MatchExpr('a'), new MatchExpr('b')), "ab"));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new AltExpr(new MatchExpr('a'), new MatchExpr('b')), "a"));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new AltExpr(new MatchExpr('a'), new MatchExpr('b')), "b"));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new RepeatExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), "aaaaa"));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new ConcatExpr(new RepeatExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), new MatchExpr('b')),
console.assert(RegexMatch(new ConcatExpr(new RepeatExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), new MatchExpr('b')),
console.assert(RegexSearch(new ConcatExpr(new RepeatExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), new MatchExpr('b')),
"aaaaabb", 0));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new OptionalExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), "a"));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new OptionalExpr(new MatchExpr('a')), ""));
console.assert(RegexMatch(new OptionalExpr(new ConcatExpr(new MatchExpr('a'), new MatchExpr('b'))),
console.assert(RegexMatch(new OptionalExpr(new ConcatExpr(new MatchExpr('a'), new MatchExpr('b'))),
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