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Last active May 11, 2018 16:41
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PHP test tool by xiaochi
#!env php
// PHP test tool by xiaochi
// Usage: test.php foo.php
// If you have a test_foo.php, it will automatically include
// foo.php and run test_foo.php.
// It also includes `vendor/autoload.php`
$vendor_autoload = "vendor/autoload.php";
if (is_file($vendor_autoload)) {
require $vendor_autoload;
function exception_error_handler($severity, $message, $file, $line) {
if (!(error_reporting() & $severity)) {
// This error code is not included in error_reporting
throw new ErrorException($message, 0, $severity, $file, $line);
$assert_total = 0;
$assert_fail = 0;
if (isset($argv[1])) {
if (!is_file($argv[1])) {
die("$argv[1] is not file\n");
} else {
foreach (glob("test_*.php") as $tf) {
$f = substr($tf, 5);
if (!is_file($f)) {
die("$tf ok, but $f is not file");
function test_file($file)
global $assert_total;
global $assert_fail;
require $file;
$tf = "test_$file";
if (!is_file($tf)) {
die("$tf is not file\n");
echo "# $tf\n";
require $tf;
foreach(file($tf) as $line) {
if (preg_match('/^function\s*test_(\w+)\s*\(/', $line, $m)) {
$func = "test_$m[1]";
echo "## $func()\n";
$ok = $assert_total-$assert_fail;
echo "$ok/$assert_total ".($assert_fail===0?"OK":"FAIL!!!")."\n";
function assert_true($t, $msg=null) {
global $assert_total;
global $assert_fail;
$db = debug_backtrace();
//echo __FUNCTION__,PHP_EOL;
foreach($db as $i=>$trace) {
//echo "$i => $trace[file]: $trace[function]()\n";
if ($trace['function'] == __FUNCTION__)
if ($t===true) {
// do nothing
} else {
$line_no = $trace['line'];
$line = trim(_get_line($trace['file'], $line_no));
echo "$line_no: $line $msg\n";
function _get_line($file, $line_no) {
foreach (file($file) as $i => $line) {
if ($i == $line_no-1)
return $line;
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