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Last active March 30, 2016 17:59
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  • Save pichi/2d10c93242d5057913d026a607f07dd4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Stopwords Benchmark
$ erl -pa eministat/ebin
Erlang/OTP 18 [erts-7.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:4:4] [async-threads:10] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V7.3 (abort with ^G)
1> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file("/home/hynek/Downloads/words.txt"), L = string:tokens(binary_to_list(Bin), "\s\r\n"), length(L).
2> length(lists:filter(fun stopwords_clause:is_stopword/1, L)).
3> length(lists:filter(fun stopwords_map:is_stopword/1, L)).
4> Clause = eministat:s("clause", fun() -> lists:filter(fun stopwords_clause:is_stopword/1, L) end, 50).
5> Map = eministat:s("map", fun() -> lists:filter(fun stopwords_map:is_stopword/1, L) end, 50).
6> eministat:x(95.0, Clause, Map).
x clause
+ map
|xxxxx +++++ +|
|xxxx ++++ |
|xxxx +++ |
|xxxx ++ |
|xxx ++ |
|xxx ++ |
|xx ++ |
|xx ++ |
|xx ++ |
|xx + |
|xx + |
|xx + |
|xx + |
|xx + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| x + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
| + |
||A| |
| |_MA_| |
Dataset: x N=50 CI=95.0000
Statistic Value [ Bias] (Bootstrapped LB‥UB)
Min: 3490.00
1st Qu. 3551.00
Median: 3591.00
3rd Qu. 3679.00
Max: 3945.00
Average: 3630.16 [ 0.137534] ( 3602.82 ‥ 3664.56)
Std. Dev: 113.400 [ -1.81311] ( 90.8425 ‥ 141.539)
Outliers: 0/4 = 4 (μ=3630.30, σ=111.587)
Outlier variance: 0.151802 (moderate)
Dataset: + N=50 CI=95.0000
Statistic Value [ Bias] (Bootstrapped LB‥UB)
Min: 1.09500e+4
1st Qu. 1.10160e+4
Median: 1.10400e+4
3rd Qu. 1.11270e+4
Max: 1.28270e+4
Average: 1.11055e+4 [ 0.297998] ( 1.10611e+4 ‥ 1.12491e+4)
Std. Dev: 264.914 [ -31.0673] ( 84.7956 ‥ 582.629)
Outliers: 0/2 = 2 (μ=1.11058e+4, σ=233.847)
Outlier variance: 9.45082e-2 (slight)
Difference at 95.0% confidence
7475.36 ± 80.8533
205.924% ± 2.22726%
(Student's t, pooled s = 203.763)
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is_stopword(S) ->
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"you" => true,
"you'd" => true,
"you'll" => true,
"you're" => true,
"you've" => true,
"your" => true,
"yours" => true,
"yourself" => true,
"yourselves" => true
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