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Created May 16, 2019 15:29
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# Find out what is running on what port in linux
# Lists all ports
netstat -l
# Specify a port and find out which process is using it
netstat -ltnp | grep -w ':80'
# Look for what process is running on the unix box
ps -ef | grep <app-name>
Ex: ps -eg | grep nginx
#Notes on the curl command
# -k is required if you are using https, remove it if that is not the case
# -v is
curl <url> -v -k
Ex: curl localhost:80 -v (Gives you the webserver running locally on your machine)
curl <ip-addr>:<port> -v (Gives you the output of any response received from server)
Note: This is as good as trying to run it from the browser.
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