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Created September 2, 2021 13:18
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Most common Bash Aliases
# Docker, Docker Compose
alias docker-clear='docker rm -f $(docker ps -q -a); docker rmi -f $(docker images -q); docker system prune --all --force --volumes'
alias docker-down='docker-compose down'
alias docker-images='docker images --all'
alias docker-logs='docker-compose logs --tail=1000 -f -t'
alias docker-ps='docker ps -a'
alias docker-up='DATE_FROM=`date`; echo "BUILD START: $DATE_FROM" ; docker-compose up -d --build; DATE_TO=`date`; echo -e "BUILD START: $DATE_FROM\nBUILD END: $DATE_TO\n"'
alias docker-up-nohup='DATE_FROM=`date`; echo "BUILD START: $DATE_FROM" ; nohup docker-compose up -d --build $ && DATE_TO=`date`; echo -e "BUILD START: $DATE_FROM\nBUILD END: $DATE_TO\n"'
# Kubernetes
alias k8apply='kubectl apply -f'
alias k8dsc='kubectl describe'
alias k8logs='kubectl logs -f'
alias k8nodes='kubectl get nodes -o wide'
alias k8rem='kubectl delete -f'
alias k8show='kubectl get all,ing,pv,pvc --all-namespaces -o wide'
alias k8show-watch='watch -n 1 "kubectl get all,ing,pv,pvc --all-namespaces -o wide"'
# Netstat
alias netstat-ac='netstat -antu'
alias netstat-wc='netstat -antu | egrep ":(80|81|443|8080|8081|9081)" | grep -v LISTEN | awk "{print $5}" | cut -d: -f1 | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn'
# NMAP (
alias nmap-discover-ips='nmap -sP'
alias nmap-open-ports='nmap'
alias nmap-os='nmap -O'
alias nmap-hostname='nmap -SL'
alias nmap-tcp-syc-udp-scan='nmap -sS -sU -PN'
alias nmap-tcp-syc-udp-scan-all-ports='nmap -sS -sU -PN -p 1-65535'
alias nmap-tcp-connect-scan='nmap -sT'
alias nmap-fast-hosts='nmap -T4 -A'
alias nmap-fast-scan='nmap -T4 -F'
# Other
alias watch-live='watch -t -n 0'
alias watch-one='watch -t -n 1'
alias watch-two='watch -t -n 2'
alias watch-five='watch -t -n 5'
alias watchl='watch -t -n 0'
alias watch1='watch -t -n 1'
alias watch2='watch -t -n 2'
alias watch5='watch -t -n 5'
# PhpStorm, PyCharm
alias phpstorm-repair-freeze='kill -9 `ps aux | grep storm | grep GNOME_SUDO_PASS | sed -E "s/^root\s+([0-9]+).*/\1/"`'
alias pycharm-repair-freeze='kill -9 `ps aux | grep pycharm | grep GNOME_SUDO_PASS | sed -E "s/^root\s+([0-9]+).*/\1/"`'
# Rsync
alias rsync-sync='/usr/bin/rsync --bwlimit=0.5m -r -t -v --progress --ignore-existing -c -l -z -i -s'
# SoundWireServer
alias SoundWireServer='SoundWireServer -p 59042 -verbose'
alias vlc='killall /snap/vlc/1700/usr/bin/vlc && /snap/bin/vlc'
# Youtube-dl
alias youtube-dl-list='youtube-dl -f mp4 --yes-playlist -i '
# WakaTime
alias wakatime='wakatime --entity=Terminal'
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