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Last active April 26, 2016 14:41
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Atom snippets for Angular2
'prefix': 'ngclass',
'description': 'Angular 2 ngClass snippet'
'body': """
[ngClass]=\"{${cssClass}: ${expression}}\"
'prefix': 'ngfor',
'description': 'Angular 2 *ngFor snippet'
'body': """
*ngFor=\"#${item} of ${list}\"
'prefix': 'ngif',
'description': 'Angular 2 *ngIf snippet'
'body': """
'prefix': 'ngmodel',
'description': 'Angular 2 ngModel snippet'
'body': """
'prefix': 'ngrouterlink',
'description': 'Angular 2 routerLink snippet'
'body': """
'prefix': 'ngstyle',
'description': 'Angular 2 ngStyle snippet'
'body': """
[ngStyle]=\"{${style}: ${expression}}\"
'prefix': 'ngswitch',
'description': 'Angular 2 ngSwitch snippet'
'body': """
<div [ngSwitch]=\"${conditionExpression}\">
\t<div *ngSwitchWhen=\"${expression}\">${output}</div>
\t<div *ngSwitchDefault>${output2}</div>
'Angular Component':
'prefix': 'ngcomponent'
'description': 'Angular 2 component snippet'
'body': """
import { Component OnInit } from 'angular2/core';
\tselector: '${1:selector}'
\ttemplateUrl: '${2:path}/${3:name}.component.html'
export class ${4:ComponentName}Component implements OnInit {
\tconstructor() { }
\tngOnInit() { }
'Angular Service':
'prefix': 'ngservice'
'description': 'Angular 2 service snippet'
'body': """
import { Injectable } from 'angular2/core';
export class ${1:ServiceName}Service {
\tconstructor() { }
'Angular Pipe':
'prefix': 'ngpipe'
'description': 'Angular 2 pipe snippet'
'body': """
import { Pipe PipeTransform } from 'angular2/core';
\tname: '${1:name}'
export class ${2:PipeName}Pipe implements PipeTransform {
\ttransform(value: ${3:valuetype} args: ${4:argstype}) : any {
'Angular Routes':
'prefix': 'ngroutes'
'description': 'Angular 2 route config snippet'
'body': """
\t{ path: '/${1:path}' as: '${2:RouteName}' component: ${3:Component} }${4}
'Angular RouteDefinition':
'prefix': 'ngroute-path'
'description': 'Angular 2 route path snippet'
'body': """
{ path: '/${1:path}' as: '${2:RouteName}' component: ${3:Component} }${4}
'prefix': 'ngsubscribe'
'description': 'Angular 2 observable subscribe snippet'
'body': """
\t.subscribe(${3:arg} => this.${4:property} = ${5:arg});
'Angular Bootstrapping':
'prefix': 'ngbootstrap'
'description': 'Angular 2 bootstrap snippet'
'body': """
import { bootstrap } from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import { ${1:AppComponent} } from './${2:name}.component';
bootstrap(${3:AppComponent} [])
\t.then(success => console.log(`Bootstrap success`))
\t.catch(error => console.log(error));
'prefix': 'ngcomponentroot'
'description': 'Angular 2 App root component snippet'
'body': """
import { Component } from 'angular2/core';
import { HTTP_PROVIDERS } from 'angular2/http';
import { RouteConfig ROUTER_DIRECTIVES ROUTER_PROVIDERS } from 'angular2/router';
import 'rxjs/Rx'; // load the full rxjs
\tselector: '${1:selector}'
\ttemplateUrl: '${2:path}/${3:name}.component.html'
\tdirectives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]
\tproviders: [
export class AppComponent {}
'Angular Test Suite':
'prefix': 'ngdescribe'
'description': 'Angular 2 test suite snippet'
'body': """
describe('${1:Suite}', () => {
'Angular Test Spec':
'prefix': 'ngspec'
'description': 'Angular 2 test spec snippet'
'body': """
it('${1:spec}', () => {
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