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Adam pie-flavor

  • California Bay Area
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@Plugin(id = "messenger", name = "Messenger", version = "1.0", description = "Message and reply commands", authors = "pie_flavor")
public class MessengerPlugin {
private Map<UUID, UUID> lastMsg = new HashMap<>();
public void onInit(GameInitializationEvent e) {
CommandSpec msgCmd = CommandSpec.builder()
.description(Text.of("Messages a player."))
.arguments(GenericArguments.onlyOne(GenericArguments.player("player")), GenericArguments.remainingJoinedStrings("message"))
.executor((src, args) -> {
if (!(src instanceof Player)) throw new CommandException(Text.of("Must be a player!"));
package flavor.pie.testplugin;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Generated;
import org.spongepowered.api.Sponge;
package flavor.pie.testplugin;
import org.spongepowered.api.Sponge;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.CommandResult;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.CommandSource;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.args.CommandContext;
import org.spongepowered.api.command.spec.CommandSpec;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.Listener;
import org.spongepowered.api.event.filter.cause.First;
// Drag-and-drop one or several CSV files and/or folders onto this .js file; non-CSV files will be ignored
// If a folder is dropped, the script will automatically process all CSV files in the folder (but not subfolders)
// Each CSV file will be converted to an XLSX file, without any type conversion (all values treated as Text)
// If an XLSX file already exists with the same name as a CSV file, the CSV file will be skipped
// These default values are what you'll typically need for parsing Windows-based CSV files...
// (note: the CSV parser should handle multi-character delimiters just fine)
var CSV_ext = 'csv'; // CSV file extension (case-insensitive)
var CSV_ln = '\r\n'; // row delimiter (use '\n' for Unix-based files)
var CSV_delim = ','; // column delimiter (may need to be ';' in some locales)
public class TextReplace {
public static Text replace(Text text, Pattern oldValue, Text newValue, boolean lossy) {
Text t = text.getChildren().isEmpty() ? text : text.toBuilder().removeAll().append(text.getChildren().stream()
.map(x -> replace(x, oldValue, newValue, lossy)).collect(Collectors.toList())).build();
String plain = t.toPlainSingle();
Matcher matcher = oldValue.matcher(plain);
if (!matcher.find()) {
if (lossy) {
plain = t.toPlain();
matcher = oldValue.matcher(plain);
@Plugin(id = "basic_plugin")
public class BasicPlugin {
@Inject @DefaultConfig(sharedRoot = true)
ConfigurationLoader<CommentedConfigurationNode> loader;
@Inject @DefaultConfig(sharedRoot = true)
Path path;
Logger logger;
ConfigurationNode root;
public class TextUtils {
public static Text replaceText(Text original, String oldValue, Text newValue) {
Text text;
if (original.getChildren().isEmpty()) {
text = original;
} else {
text = original.toBuilder().removeAll()
.append(Lists.transform(original.getChildren(), t -> replaceText(t, oldValue, newValue)))


A Sponge plugin providing the Kotlin runtime, standard library, and reflection library to other plugins.


Licensed under the MIT License.

Depending on Spotlin - Build System

public class CopperRecipe implements SmeltingRecipe {
private ItemStackSnapshot exemplaryIngredient;
private ItemStackSnapshot exemplaryResult;
private Text ingredientName = Text.of(TextColors.WHITE, "Copper Ore");
private Text resultName = Text.of(TextColors.WHITE, "Copper Nugget");
ItemStack ingredient = ItemStack.builder()
.keyValue(Keys.STONE_TYPE, StoneTypes.GRANITE)
.keyValue(Keys.DISPLAY_NAME, ingredientName)
hexchat.register("mch", "1.0.0", "General-purpose macros for #minecrafthelp.")
hexchat.hook_command(nil, function (words, word_eols)
if words[1]:sub(-1) == ":" then
local name = words[1]:sub(0, words[1]:len() - 1)
if words[2] == ".dxdiag" then
hexchat.command("say " .. name .. ": Do you have your DxDiag report? If so, please paste the link in chat.")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
if words[2] == ".absol" then
hexchat.command("say " .. name .. ": Please read what Absol just said.")