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Last active May 22, 2020 22:37
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Generated by XState Viz:
// Available variables:
// - Machine
// - interpret
// - assign
// - send
// - sendParent
// - spawn
// - raise
// - actions
// - XState (all XState exports)
const fetchMachine = Machine({
id: 'coordinator',
initial: 'afterInitialWebpack',
context: {
webpackNeedsResuming: false,
queriesNeedReunning: false
states: {
bootstrap: {
initial: 'init',
states: {
init: {
on: {
START_QUERY_RUNNING: 'initialQueryRunning'
initialQueryRunning: {
onDone: 'initialWebpack',
initialWebpack: {
onDone: {
target: '#coordinator.afterInitialWebpack.writeOutPageData',
actions: ['suspendWebpack']
afterInitialWebpack: {
initial: `writeOutPageData`,
on: {
actions: [`enqueueWebpack`]
actions: [`enqueueQueueRunning`]
states: {
writeOutPageData: {
onDone: "idle"
idle: {
on: {
START_QUERY_RUNNING: 'queryRunning',
WEBPACK_INVALID: `webackRecompile`
queryRunning: {
entry: [`clearQueryQueue`],
on: {
actions: [`enqueueWebpack`]
onDone: [
cond: `queriesNeedRunning`,
target: `queryRunning`,
cond: 'webpackNeedsResuming',
target: 'webackRecompile'
target: `writeOutPageData`
webackRecompile: {
entry: [`clearWebpackQueue`, `resumeWebpack`],
exit: [`suspendWebpack`],
onDone: [
cond: `queriesNeedRunning`,
target: `queryRunning`,
target: `writeOutPageData`
}, {
actions: {
enqueueWebpack: assign({
webpackNeedsResuming: true
clearWebpackQueue: assign({
webpackNeedsResuming: false
enqueueQueueRunning: assign({
queriesNeedReunning: true
clearQueryQueue: assign({
queriesNeedReunning: false
guards: {
webpackNeedsResuming: context => context.webpackNeedsResuming,
queriesNeedRunning: context => context.queriesNeedReunning
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