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Last active May 29, 2024 01:57
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using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Net.Http.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
var httpClient = new HttpClient();
// Section 1 - async I/O
* 1. Sending a GET request to ""
* 2. Validating that a 200 response was provided - if not, we get an exception
* 3. Based on the provided generic type (in this case IEnumerable<Post>) we essentially convert the string content of the response to
* a valid C# object.
* 4. Assign that object to the variable `posts`
var posts = await httpClient.GetFromJsonAsync<IEnumerable<Post>>("") ?? throw new Exception("Posts failed to retrieve");
/** Section 2 - LINQ
* LINQ is a very elegant way of filtering, mapping and reducing data
* - Filter (.Where) = As the name implies, filter. The .Where method is the default means of filtering a collection
* - Mapping (.Select) = The process of taking in an input collection and for each item transforming the contents of the collection
* - Reducing (.Aggregate) = Bottom of the iceberg, reducing is technically a superset of the previously mentioned two but essentially is taking an input and completely "reducing" that input to something else
// Basic example of filtering
var allPostsWithMoreThan30CharactersInTitle = posts.Where(post => post.Title.Length > 30);
// For individual items, use First/FirstOrDefault
var firstBigPost = posts.FirstOrDefault(post => post.Title.Length > 30);
if (firstBigPost != null)
// LINQ is important because it's IMMUTABLE, anything that happens in LINQ doesn't screw with the underlying collection
// This is also a potential PERFORMANCE ISSUE, however we will let you know if that is the case (premature optimisation is the root of all evil)
// LINQ essentially iterates over every item in a collection and runs the provided function, this means that with bigger collections - you get poorer performance
// Mapping is the process of taking in an input and returning a modified output
var postAnalytics = posts.Select(post => new PostAnalytics(post));
foreach (var analytics in postAnalytics)
// You can "chain" LINQ methods
var allPostsWithMoreThan30CharactersInTitleAnalytics = posts
.Where(post => post.Title.Length > 30)
.Select(post => new PostAnalytics(post));
// Aggregate/Reduce is the most powerful of the bunch but it's a pest to write sometimes and nowhere near as clean
// as its cousins.
var postSummary = posts.Aggregate(
new PostCollectionSummary(),
(summary, post) =>
summary.PostCount += 1;
// If I haven't found a post yet OR the current post is longer, update the lengthiest post
if (summary.LengthiestPost == null || post.Title.Length > summary.LengthiestPost.Title.Length)
summary.LengthiestPost = post;
return summary;
Console.WriteLine($"SUMMARY | COUNT: {postSummary.PostCount} | Lengthiest Post: {postSummary.LengthiestPost?.Title}");
// Exception is the base class for all exceptions
// If you provide a specific type that isn't exception, it will only catch that type and all sub-classes
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Something went wrong ({ex.Message})");
static void PrintPosts(IEnumerable<Post> posts)
foreach (var post in posts)
Console.WriteLine($"Post #{post.Id} - {post.Title}");
static void PrintAnalytics(PostAnalytics postAnalytics)
Console.WriteLine($"Title Length: {postAnalytics.TitleLength}, Vowel Count: {postAnalytics.VowelCountKinda}");
// {
// "userId": 1,
// "id": 1,
// "title": "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
public sealed class Post
public int Id { get; set; } = 0;
public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public sealed record PostAnalytics(Post post)
public int TitleLength => post.Title.Length;
public int VowelCountKinda => post.Title.ToLower().Count(c => c == 'a' || c == 'i' || c == 'o');
public sealed class PostCollectionSummary
public int PostCount { get; set; }
public Post? LengthiestPost { get; set; }
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