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Last active December 9, 2015 12:48
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Integer weighted directed graph + Strongly Connected Components (SCC) implementation
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
extern unsigned int time;
// vertex data structure
// employs STL pair and vector to store adjacent list
// name : vertex name
// parent: its parent when traversal
// d : discovery time
// f : finish time
struct vertex{
vector<pair<int, vertex*> > adj; //cost of edge, destination vertex
string name, parent;
size_t d, f;
vertex(string s) : d(0), f(0)
name = s;
// graph employs STL map data structure
// to store graph vertices.
// To query a vertex in the graph,
// find([VERTEX NAME]) can be used
class graph
// constructors and destructor
graph() : V(){}
graph(const graph& rhs);
graph& operator=(const graph& rhs);
typedef map<string, vertex *> vmap;
// add a new vertex
void addVertex(const string&);
// add a new edge
void addEdge(const string& from, const string& to, int weight);
// do depth first search
void DFS(const string& s, map<string, bool>& visited);
const vmap& getV() const;
// return the graph with edge transposed
graph& Transposed() const;
// find set of Strongly Connected Components
void SCC(graph& transposed);
// print time stamp
void print() const;
vmap V;
void DFSVisit(vertex& v, map<string, bool>& visited, bool print=false);
const graph::vmap& graph::getV() const
return V;
// destructor
vmap::iterator itr = V.begin();
for (; itr != V.end(); ++itr)
delete itr->second;
// copy constructor
graph::graph(const graph& rhs)
vmap::const_iterator itr = rhs.V.begin();
// copy vertices
for (; itr != rhs.V.end(); ++itr)
vertex* f = new vertex(itr->first);
V[f->name] = f;
// copy edges
vmap::const_iterator eitr = rhs.V.begin();
for (; eitr != rhs.V.end(); ++eitr)
for (size_t i = 0; i < eitr->second->adj.size(); i++)
vertex *from = V.find(eitr->first)->second;
vertex *to = V.find(eitr->second->adj[i].second->name)->second;
pair<int, vertex*> pair = make_pair(eitr->second->adj[i].first, to);
// copy operator
graph& graph::operator=(const graph& rhs)
vmap::const_iterator itr = rhs.V.begin();
// copy vertices
for (; itr != rhs.V.end(); ++itr)
vertex* f = new vertex(itr->first);
V[f->name] = f;
// copy edges
vmap::const_iterator eitr = rhs.V.begin();
for (; eitr != rhs.V.end(); ++eitr)
for (size_t i = 0; i < eitr->second->adj.size(); i++)
vertex *from = V.find(eitr->first)->second;
vertex *to = V.find(eitr->second->adj[i].second->name)->second;
pair<int, vertex*> pair = make_pair(eitr->second->adj[i].first, to);
return *this;
// print all Vertex with its information
void graph::print() const
vmap::const_iterator itr = V.begin();
for (; itr != V.end(); ++itr)
cout << "Vertex : " << itr->first << endl;
cout << "Its parent : " << itr->second->parent << endl;
cout << "Discoverty : " << itr->second->d << endl;
cout << "Finish : " << itr->second->f << endl << endl;
cout << endl;
// Add a vertex in a graph
void graph::addVertex(const string &name)
vmap::iterator itr = V.begin();
itr = V.find(name);
if (itr == V.end())
vertex *v;
v = new vertex(name);
V[name] = v;
cerr << "\nVertex already exists!" << endl;
// Add an edge to the vertex 'from' heading to 'to' of weight
void graph::addEdge(const string& from, const string& to, int weight)
vertex *f = (V.find(from)->second);
vertex *t = (V.find(to)->second);
pair<int, vertex *> edge = make_pair(weight, t);
// Return Transposed Graph
graph& graph::Transposed() const
// Transpose edges
graph* gt = new graph();
vmap::const_iterator itr = V.begin();
// copy vertices
for (; itr != V.end(); ++itr)
vertex* f = new vertex(itr->first);
gt->V[f->name] = f;
// copy edges but transposed
vmap::const_iterator eitr = V.begin();
for (; eitr != V.end(); ++eitr)
for (size_t i = 0; i < eitr->second->adj.size(); i++)
vertex *from = V.find(eitr->first)->second;
vertex *to = gt->V.find(eitr->second->adj[i].second->name)->second;
pair<int, vertex*> pair = make_pair(eitr->second->adj[i].first, from);
return *gt;
// DFS traversal
void graph::DFS(const string& s, map<string, bool>& visited)
// DFS start with vertex s
vmap::iterator vIter = V.find(s);
DFSVisit(*(vIter->second), visited);
// loop DFS for the rest of vertices
vmap::iterator itr = V.begin();
map<string, bool>::iterator isVisit;
for (; itr != V.end(); ++itr)
isVisit = visited.find(itr->first);
if (isVisit == visited.end())
// not visited
DFSVisit(*(itr->second), visited);
// helper function for DFS traversal
void graph::DFSVisit(vertex& v, map<string, bool>& visited, bool print)
time = time + 1;
// discovery time
v.d = time;
// mark visited
visited[] = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i<v.adj.size(); i++)
map<string, bool>::iterator itr = visited.find(v.adj[i].second->name);
if (itr == visited.end())
if (print)
cout << v.adj[i].second->name << " ";
// mark visited and recursively visit
// set its parent
v.adj[i].second->parent =;
// recursively visit
DFSVisit(*(v.adj[i].second), visited, print);
time = time + 1;
v.f = time;
// Print strongly connected components
void graph::SCC(graph& transposed)
// traverse transposed graph in order of decreasing f
// save vertices by its name(string)
map<int, string> orderedv;
vmap::iterator itr = V.begin();
for (; itr != V.end(); ++itr)
pair<int, string> v = make_pair(itr->second->f, itr->first);
// DFS transposed graph
map<int, string>::reverse_iterator vitr = orderedv.rbegin();
map<string, bool> visited;
const vmap trnposV = transposed.getV();
for (; vitr != orderedv.rend(); ++vitr)
map<string, bool>::iterator vstitr = visited.find(vitr->second);
if (vstitr == visited.end())
cout << "------Strongly connected components------" << endl;
cout << vitr->second << " ";
vertex* v = trnposV.find(vitr->second)->second;
DFSVisit(*v, visited, true);
cout << "\n-----------------------------------------" << endl;
#include "graph.h"
unsigned int time = 0;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
// array set up for vertices and edges
string vertices[] = { "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h" };
int edges[][3] = {
{ 0, 1, 0 },
{ 1, 2, 0 },
{ 1, 4, 0 },
{ 1, 5, 0 },
{ 2, 6, 0 },
{ 2, 3, 0 },
{ 3, 2, 0 },
{ 3, 7, 0 },
{ 4, 0, 0 },
{ 4, 5, 0 },
{ 5, 6, 0 },
{ 6, 5, 0 },
{ 6, 7, 0 },
{ 7, 7, 0 }
// initialization
size_t nV = 8, nE = 14;
graph g;
for (size_t i = 0; i<nV; i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i<nE; i++)
g.addEdge(vertices[edges[i][0]], vertices[edges[i][1]], edges[i][2]);
// DFS
map<string, bool> visit;
g.DFS("c", visit);
// Create a Transposed Graph
graph gt = g.Transposed();
// Operate SCC
return 0;
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