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Last active April 25, 2022 12:03
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Useful aliases
# Git and fzf #
# Starts an interactive rebase by selecting a commit with fzf
# "fuzzy rebase"
frebase = "!f() { \
git log --pretty=oneline \
| fzf -n 2.. \
| awk '{print $1\"^\"}' \
| xargs -o git rebase --autostash -i; \
}; f"
# Starts an interactive rebase by selecting a commit with fzf
# using the --onto parameter. Useful to rebase on top of a rebased branch.
# "fuzzy rebase onto"
# Usage: git frebase TARGET_BRANCH
# then interactively select the first commit of your branch
frebaseonto = "!f() { \
git log --pretty=oneline \
| fzf -n 2.. \
| awk '{print $1\"^\"}' \
| xargs -o git rebase --autostash --onto $1; \
}; f"
# Amend into a past commit using fzf
# Stage your changes `git add -p`, then run `git autofixup` and choose the target commit
autofixup = "!f() { \
COMMIT=$(git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | awk '{print $1}'); \
git commit --fixup $COMMIT; \
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=: git rebase --autostash --autosquash -i $COMMIT^; \
}; f"
# Same as autofixup but with --no-verify
autofixup = "!f() { \
COMMIT=$(git log --pretty=oneline | fzf | awk '{print $1}'); \
git commit --no-verify --fixup $COMMIT; \
GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR=: git rebase --autostash --autosquash -i $COMMIT^; \
}; f"
# Lists most recent branches I worked on, and checks out to the selected one
# "my-branches fuzzy checkout"
myfco = "!f() { git branch -a --sort=-committerdate | grep -v remotes\\/ | fzf | sed 's/remotes\\/origin\\///' | xargs -o git checkout; }; f"
# Search the given string in git history
# Lists the results using fzf
searchgit() {
git log -S"$STRING_TO_SEARCH" --color=always \
--format="%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(black)%C(bold)%cr" "$@" |
fzf --ansi --reverse --tiebreak=index \
--bind "ctrl-m:execute:
(grep -o '[a-f0-9]\{7\}' | head -1 |
xargs -I % sh -c 'git show --color=always % | less -R') << 'FZF-EOF'
# Interactively select (using fzf) a docker container to run bash
dbash() {
CONTAINER=$(docker ps | awk '{print $1, $2}' | awk 'NR > 1' | fzf | awk '{print $1}')
if [ ! -z "$CONTAINER" ]
docker exec -it $CONTAINER bash
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