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pierpo/app.tsx Secret

Last active October 9, 2023 09:09
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React TV Space Navigation example
// This component shows a little rabbit movie that you can focus
const Rabbit = ({ onSelect }) => (
// Declare the focusable behaviour using the SpatialNavigatorNode component!
<SpatialNavigationNode isFocusable onSelect={onSelect}>
{/* And adapt the focused layout using this child props :) */}
{({ isFocused }) => <RabbitLayoutCard isFocused={isFocused} />}
const Page = () => (
// Provide the spatial navigator to the page
{/* Let's declare that our rabbits will be on a same row, spatially */}
<SpatialNavigationNode direction="horizontal">
{/* Now we can add our rabbits and have the proper console.log upon selection */}
{/* with the remote control */}
<Rabbit onSelect={() => console.log("rabbit 1 is selected !"}/>
<Rabbit onSelect={() => console.log("rabbit 2 is selected !"}/>
<Rabbit onSelect={() => console.log("rabbit 3 is selected !"}/>
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