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Created January 30, 2017 08:44
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import React, {PureComponent} from 'react'
import {HashRouter as Router, Match, Link} from 'react-router'
const DEBUG = props => <pre><code>{JSON.stringify(props, null, 4)}</code></pre>
const config = [
Component: DEBUG,
category: 'language',
subCategory: 'language-step1'
Component: DEBUG,
category: 'language',
subCategory: 'language-step2'
Component: DEBUG,
category: 'job'
Component: DEBUG,
category: 'xp'
<Match pattern='/client' component={WrappedStepper} />
<Match exactly pattern='/' component={() => <IdentityRedirect to={`${IDENTITY_APP_URL}/#/login`} profil='client' />} />
<Match extactly pattern='/token/:token' component={props => <IdentitySuccess {...props} successUrlBuilder={(props) => `/client/token/${props.params.token}/need`} />} />
// const _buildNextRoute = config =>
const _buildRoute = conf => `/${conf.category}${conf.subCategory ? '/' + conf.subCategory : ''}`
const _buildNextRoute = conf => data => {
if (conf.subCategory) {
if (conf.subCategory === 'language-step1') return _buildRoute({category: 'language', subCategory: 'language-step2'})
else if (conf.subCategory === 'language-step2') return _buildRoute({category: 'job'})
} else if (conf.category === 'job') return _buildRoute({category: 'xp'})
else return _buildRoute({category: 'language', subCategory: 'language-step1'})
// switch (conf.category)
const _buildComponent = config => {
const {Component: ConfComponent, ...otherConfig} = config
class RouteConfWrapper extends PureComponent {
render () {
return <div>
<ConfComponent {...otherConfig} {...this.props} />
<Link to={config.nextRoute()}>{({onClick}) => <button onClick={onClick}>Next</button>}</Link>
return RouteConfWrapper
class Wizard extends PureComponent {
render () {
return <Router>
{, i) => <Match key={i} pattern={_buildRoute(conf)} component={_buildComponent({...conf, nextRoute: _buildNextRoute(conf)})} />)}
export default Wizard
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