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Last active December 9, 2020 13:30
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Expo TypeScript Definitions
declare module 'Expo' {
import { EventSubscription } from 'fbemitter';
import { Component } from 'react';
import { ViewStyle, ViewProperties, ColorPropType } from 'react-native';
* Expo Accelerometer
export namespace Accelerometer {
// TODO: good export type of x, y and z
export interface AccelerometerObject {
x: any;
y: any;
z: any;
export function addListener(listener: (obj: AccelerometerObject) => any): EventSubscription
export function removeAllListeners(): void;
export function setUpdateInterval(intervalMs: number): void
* Expo Amplitude
export namespace Amplitude {
export function initialize(apiKey: string): void;
export function setUserId(userId: string): void;
export function setUserProperties(userProperties: object): void; // TODO: add userProperties definition from amplitude doc
export function clearUserProperties(): void;
export function logEvent(eventName: string): void;
export function logEventWithProperties(eventName: string, properties: object): void;
export function setGroup(groupType: string, groupNames: object): void;
* Expo Components
export namespace Components {
* AppLoading
export class AppLoading extends React.Component<void, void> { }
* Expo BarCodeScanner
export interface BarCodeScannerProps {
type?: 'front'|'back';
torchMode?: 'on'|'off';
barCodeTypes: Array<string>; // TODO: add supported formats
style: ViewStyle;
export class BarCodeScanner extends React.Component<BarCodeScannerProps, void> { }
* Expo BlurView
export interface BlurViewProps {
tint: 'light'|'default'|'dark';
intensity: number;
style: ViewStyle;
export class BlurView extends React.Component<BlurViewProps, void> { }
* Expo GLView
* TODO: better defs because there is no complete documentation.
* I did it from the code.
export interface GLViewProps extends ViewProperties {
onContextCreate(): void;
msaaSamples: number;
export class GLView extends React.Component<GLViewProps, {msaaSamples: number}> { }
* Expo KeepAwake
export class KeepAwake extends React.Component<void, void> {
static activate(): void;
static deactivate(): void;
* Expo LinearGradient
export interface LinearGradientProps {
colors: Array<string>;
start: [number, number];
end: [number, number];
locations: Array<number>;
export class LinearGradient extends React.Component<LinearGradientProps, void> {}
* Expo MapView
// TODO: MapView
* Expo Svg
// TODO: better defs
type Axis = number;
export interface SvgCommonProps {
fill?: string;
fillOpacity?: number;
stroke?: string;
strokeWidth?: number;
strokeOpacity?: number;
strokeLinecap?: string;
strokeLineJoin?: string;
strokeDasharray?: Array<any>;
strokeDashoffset?: any;
x?: Axis;
y?: Axis;
rotate?: number;
scale?: number;
origin?: number|string;
originX?: number;
originY?: number;
export class Svg extends React.Component<{width: number, heigth: number}, void> { }
export class Rect extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export interface CircleProps extends SvgCommonProps {
cx: Axis;
cy: Axis;
export class Circle extends React.Component<CircleProps, void> { }
export interface EllipseProps extends CircleProps {
rx: Axis;
ry: Axis;
export class Ellipse extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export interface LineProps extends SvgCommonProps {
x1: Axis;
y1: Axis;
x2: Axis;
y2: Axis;
export class Line extends React.Component<LineProps, void> { }
export interface PolyProps extends SvgCommonProps {
points: string;
export class Polygon extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export class Polyline extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export interface PathLine extends SvgCommonProps {
d: string;
export class Path extends React.Component<PolyProps, void> { }
export interface TextProps extends SvgCommonProps {
textAnchor: string
export class Text extends React.Component<TextProps, void> { }
export class G extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
export class Use extends React.Component<{href: string, x: number, y: number}, void> { }
export class Symbol extends React.Component<{viewbox:string, widt: number, height: number}, void> { }
export class Defs extends React.Component<void, void> { }
export class RadialGradient extends React.Component<SvgCommonProps, void> { }
* Expo Video
export interface VideoLoad {
duration: number;
currentTime: number;
canPlayReverse: boolean;
canPlayFastForward: boolean;
canPlaySlowForward: boolean;
canPlaySlowReverse: boolean;
canStepBackward: boolean;
canStepForward: boolean;
naturalSize: {
width: number;
heigth: number;
orientation: 'landscape'|'portrait'
export type VideoError = {
code: any,
domain: any
} | {
what: any,
extra: any
export interface VideoProgress {
currentTime: number;
playableDuration: number;
export interface VideoSeek {
currentTime: number;
seekTime: number;
export interface VideoProps {
source: any; // TODO: better def: string|*require(file)*
fullscreen?: boolean;
resizeMode?: string; // TODO: resize mode instead of general string
repeat?: boolean;
paused?: boolean;
volume?: number;
muted?: boolean;
rate?: number;
onLoadStart?: (param: {uri: string}) => any;
onLoad?: (load: VideoLoad) => any;
onError?: (error: {error: VideoError}) => any;
onProgress?: (progress: VideoProgress) => any;
onSeek?: (seek: VideoSeek) => any;
onEnd?: () => any;
export class Video extends React.Component<VideoProps, void> {
static RESIZE_MODE_CONTAIN: string;
static RESIZE_MODE_COVER: string;
static RESIZE_MODE_STRETCH: string;
public seek(time: string): void;
public presentFullscreenPlayer(): void;
public dismissFullscreenPlayer(): void;
* Expo Asset
export class Asset {
constructor({ name, type, hash, uri, width, height });
public name: string;
public type: string;
public hash: string;
public uri: string;
public localUri: string;
public width?: number;
public height?: number;
// TODO: make sure that these values should be readonly
public readonly downloading: boolean;
public readonly downloaded: boolean;
public readonly downloadCallbacks: Array<{ resolve, reject }> // TODO: def of resolve & reject
public downloadAsync(): void;
static fromModule(moduleId: number): Asset;
* Expo Audio
export namespace Audio {
export enum InterruptionModeIOS {
export enum InterruptionModeAndroid {
export type SoundStatus =
isLoaded: false
} | {
isLoaded: true,
isPlaying: boolean,
durationMillis: number,
positionMillis: number,
rate: number,
shouldCorrectPitch: boolean,
volume: number,
isMuted: boolean,
isLooping: boolean,
didJustFinish: boolean
export type RecordingStatus =
canRecord: false,
isDoneRecording: false
} | {
canRecord: true,
isRecording: boolean,
durationMillis: number
} | {
canRecord: false,
isDoneRecording: true,
durationMillis: number
export type AudioMode = {
allowsRecordingIOS: boolean,
interruptionModeIOS: InterruptionModeIOS,
playsInSilentLockedModeIOS: boolean,
interruptionModeAndroid: InterruptionModeAndroid,
shouldDuckAndroid: boolean
export function setAudioModeAsync(mode: AudioMode): Promise<void>; // TODO: better return
* Expo Sound
export interface SoundOptions {
source: number | string | Asset
export class Sound {
constructor(options: SoundOptions);
getStatusAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>
setCallback(callback: (status: SoundStatus) => any): void;
setCallbackPollingMillis(millis: number): void;
unloadAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
playAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
pauseAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
stopAsync(): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setPositionAsync(millis: number): Promise<SoundStatus>;
value: number,
shouldCorrectPitch: boolean
): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setVolumeAsync(value: number): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setIsMutedAsync(value: boolean): Promise<SoundStatus>;
setIsLoopingAsync(value: boolean): Promise<SoundStatus>;
export class Recording {
getStatusAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>
setCallback(callback: (status: RecordingStatus) => any): void;
setCallbackPollingMillis(millis: number): void;
prepareToRecordAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
isPreparedToRecord(): boolean; // Note @pierre-H : I found this function on the v16.0.0 doc, not in the code so have to check it.
startAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
pauseAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
stopAndUnloadAsync(): Promise<RecordingStatus>;
getURI(): string|undefined;
getNewSound(): Sound|null
* Expo Constants
export namespace Constants {
export const appOwnership: 'expo'|'standalone'|'guest';
export const expoVersion: string;
export const deviceId: string;
export const deviceName: string;
export const deviceYearClass: string; // TODO : I'm not sure if it's a string
export const isDevice: boolean;
// TODO: check if it's correct or not because in the v16.0.0 doc there is only os
export type Platform = {
ios: {
platform : string;
model: string;
userInterfaceIdiom: string;
export const platform: Platform;
export const sessionId: string;
export const statusBarHeight: any; // TODO: check what's the correct export type
export const systemFonts: any; // TODO: check what's the correct export type
// Note: I find this from
// and config page so it may be not complete or exact
export interface Manifest {
name: string;
description?: string;
slug?: string;
sdkVersion?: string;
version?: string;
orientation?: 'portrait'|'landscape';
primaryColor?: string;
icon?: string;
notification?: {
icon?: string,
color?: string,
androidMode?: 'default'|'collapse',
androidCollapsedTitle?: string
loading?: {
icon?: string,
exponentIconColor?: 'white'|'blue',
exponentIconGrayscale?: 1|0,
backgroundImage?: string,
backgroundColor?: string,
hideExponentText?: boolean
appKey?: string;
androidStatusBarColor?: string;
androidStatusBar?: {
barStyle?: 'lignt-content'|'dark-content',
backgroundColor?: string
androidHideExponentNotificationInShellApp?: boolean;
scheme?: string;
extra?: {
[propName: string]: any
rnCliPath?: any;
entryPoint?: string;
packagerOpts?: {
hostType?: string,
dev?: boolean,
strict?: boolean,
minify?: boolean,
urlType?: string,
urlRandomness?: string,
lanType?: string,
[propName: string]: any
ignoreNodeModulesValidation?: any; // TODO: better def
nodeModulesPath?: string;
ios?: {
bundleIdentifier?: string,
buildNumber?: string,
config?: {
usesNonExemptEncryption?: boolean,
googleSignIn?: {
reservedClientId: string
supportsTablet?: boolean,
infoPlist?: any
android?: {
package?: string,
versionCode?: string,
config?: {
fabric?: {
apiKey: string,
buildSecret: string
googleMaps?: {
apiKey: string
googleSignIn?: {
apiKey: string,
certificateHash: string
facebookScheme: any;
xde: boolean;
developper?: {
tool?: string,
[propName: string]: any
bundleUrl?: string;
debuggerHost?: string;
mainModuleName?: string;
logUrl?: string;
[propName: string]: any;
export const manifest: Manifest;
export const linkingUri: string;
* Expo Contacts
export namespace Contacts {
export type FieldType = 'phoneNumbers' | 'emails' | 'addresses';
export interface Options {
pageSize?: number;
pageOffset?: number;
fields?: Array<FieldType>
export interface Contact {
id: number;
name: string;
firstName?: string;
middleName?: string;
lastName?: string;
emails?: Array<{
email?: string,
primary?: boolean,
label: string
phoneNumbers?: Array<{
number?: string,
primary?: boolean,
label: string
addresses?: Array<{
street?: string,
city?: string,
country?: string,
region?: string,
neighborhood?: string,
postcode?: string,
pobox?: string,
label: string
company?: string;
jobTitle?: string;
export interface Response {
data: Array<Contact>,
total: number,
hasNextPage: boolean,
hasPreviousPage: boolean,
export const PHONE_NUMBERS = 'phoneNumbers';
export const EMAILS = 'emails';
export const ADDRESSES = 'addresses';
export type Field = 'phoneNumbers' | 'emails' | 'addresses';
export interface Options {
pageSize?: number;
pageOffset?: number;
fields?: Array<Field>
export function getContactsAsync(options: Options): Promise<Response>;
* Expo DocumentPicker
export namespace DocumentPicker {
export interface Options {
type: string;
export type Response = {
type: 'success',
uri: string,
name: string,
size: number
} | {
type: 'cancel'
export function getDocumentAsync(options: Options): Response;
* Expo ErrorRecovery
export namespace ErrorRecovery {
export function setRecoveryProps(props: object): void;
* Expo Facebook
export namespace Facebook {
export interface Options {
permissions?: Array<string>;
behavior?: 'web'|'native'|'browser'|'system';
export type Response = {
type: 'success',
token: string,
expires: number
} | {
type: 'cancel'
export function logInWithReadPermissionsAsync(appId: string, options: Options): void;
* Expo Facebook Ads
export namespace FacebookAds {
* Interstitial Ads
export namespace InterstitialAdManager {
export function showAd(placementId: string): Promise<boolean>;
* Native Ads
export type MediaCachePolicy = 'none' | 'icon' | 'image' | 'all';
export class NativeAdsManager {
constructor(placementId: string, numberOfAdsToRequest?: number);
disableAutoRefresh(): void;
setMediaCachePolicy(iOS: MediaCachePolicy);
export function withNativeAd(component: React.Component<{
icon?: string;
coverImage?: string;
title?: string;
subtitle?: string;
description?: string;
callToActionText?: string;
socialContext?: string;
}, any>): React.Component<{adsManager: NativeAdsManager}, {ad: any, canRequestAds: boolean}>;
* Banner View
export type AdType = 'large' | 'rectangle' | 'standard';
export interface BannerViewProps {
type: AdType;
placementId: string;
onPress: () => any;
onError: () => any;
export class BannerView extends React.Component<BannerViewProps, void> {}
* Ad Settings
export namespace AdSettings {
export const currentDeviceHash: string;
export function addTestDevice(device: string): void;
export function clearTestDevices(): void;
export type SDKLogLevel = 'none'
| 'debug'
| 'verbose'
| 'warning'
| 'error'
| 'notification'
export function setLogLevel(logLevel: SDKLogLevel): void;
export function setIsChildDirected(isDirected: boolean): void;
export function setMediationService(mediationService: string): void;
export function setUrlPrefix(urlPrefix: string): void;
* Expo Font
export namespace Font {
export function loadAsync(nameOrMap: string|object, uriOrModuleOrAsset: any): void; // TODO: better defs because the doc is not updated I think ...
* Expo Google
export namespace Google {
export interface LogInConfig {
androidClientId?: string;
androidStandaloneAppClientId?: string;
iosClientId?: string;
iosStandaloneAppClientId?: string;
behavior?: 'system' | 'web';
scopes?: Array<string>;
export type LogInResult = {
type: 'cancel'
} | {
type: 'success',
accessToken: string,
idToken?: string,
refreshToken?: string,
serverAuthCode?: string,
user: {
id: string,
name: string,
givenName: string,
familyName: string,
photoUrl?: string,
email?: string,
export function logInAsync(config: LogInConfig): Promise<LogInResult>
* Expo Gyroscope
export namespace Gyroscope {
// TODO: good export type of x, y and z
export interface GyroscopeObject {
x: any;
y: any;
z: any;
export function addListener(listener: (obj: GyroscopeObject) => any): EventSubscription
export function removeAllListeners(): void;
export function setUpdateInterval(intervalMs: number): void
* Expo Image Picker
export namespace ImagePicker {
export interface ImageInfo {
uri: string;
width: number;
height: number;
export type ImageResult = { cancelled: true } | ({ cancelled: false } & ImageInfo);
export interface ImageLibraryOptions {
allowsEditing?: boolean;
aspect?: [number, number];
quality?: number;
export function launchImageLibraryAsync(options?: ImageLibraryOptions): Promise<ImageResult>;
export interface CameraOptions {
allowsEditing?: boolean;
aspect?: [number, number];
quality?: number;
export function launchCameraAsync(options?: CameraOptions): Promise<ImageResult>;
* Expo Location
export namespace Location {
export interface LocationOptions {
enableHighAccuracy?: boolean;
timeInterval?: number;
distanceInterval?: number;
export interface LocationData {
coords: {
latitude: number,
longitude: number,
altitude: number,
accuracy: number,
heading: number,
speed: number
timestamp: number;
export type LocationCallback = (data: LocationData) => any;
export function getCurrentPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions): Promise<LocationData> // TODO: check if it's correct
export function watchPositionAsync(options: LocationOptions, callback: (data: LocationData) => any): EventSubscription;
* Expo Notifications
export namespace Notifications {
export interface Notification {
origin: 'selected' | 'received';
data: any;
remote: boolean;
isMultiple: boolean;
export interface LocalNotification {
title: string;
body?: string;
data?: any;
ios?: {
sound?: boolean
android?: {
sound?: boolean;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
priority?: 'min'|'low'|'high'|'max';
sticky?: boolean;
vibrate?: boolean | Array<number>;
link?: string;
export type LocalNotificationId = string | number;
export function addListener(listener: (notification: Notification) => any): EventSubscription;
export function getExponentPushTokenAsync(): Promise<string>;
export function presentLocalNotificationAsync(localNotification: LocalNotification): Promise<LocalNotificationId>;
export function scheduleLocalNotificationAsync(
localNotification: LocalNotification,
schedulingOptions: {time: Date|number, repeat?: 'minute'|'hour'|'day'|'week'|'month'|'year'}
): Promise<LocalNotificationId>;
export function dismissNotificationAsync(localNotificationId: LocalNotificationId): Promise<void>;
export function dismissAllNotificationsAsync(): Promise<void>;
export function cancelScheduledNotificationAsync(localNotificationId: LocalNotificationId): Promise<void>;
export function cancelAllScheduledNotificationsAsync(): Promise<void>;
export function getBadgeNumberAsync(): Promise<number>;
export function setBadgeNumberAsync(number: number): Promise<void>;
* Expo Permissions
export namespace Permissions {
export type PermissionType = 'remoteNotifications'
| 'location'
| 'camera'
| 'contacts'
| 'audioRecording'
export type PermissionStatus = 'undetermined' | 'granted' | 'denied';
export type PermissionExpires = 'never';
export interface PermissionDetailsLocationIOS {
scope: 'whenInUse' | 'always';
export interface PermissionDetailsLocationAndroid {
scope: 'fine' | 'coarse' | 'none';
export interface PermissionResponse {
status: PermissionStatus;
expires: PermissionExpires;
ios?: PermissionDetailsLocationIOS;
android?: PermissionDetailsLocationAndroid;
export function getAsync(type: PermissionType): Promise<PermissionResponse>;
export function askAsync(type: PermissionType): Promise<PermissionResponse>;
export const CAMERA: string;
export const AUDIO_RECORDING: string;
export const LOCATION: string;
export const REMOTE_NOTIFICATIONS: string;
export const NOTIFICATIONS: string;
export const CONTACTS: string;
* Expo Segment
* TODO: check that all these functions return void or not
export namespace Segment {
export function initializeIOS(writeKey: string): void;
export function initializeAndroid(writeKey: string): void;
export function identify(userId: string): void;
export function identifyWithTraits(userId: string, traits: any): void;
export function track(event: string): void;
export function trackWithProperties(event: string, properties: any): void;
export function flush(): void;
* Expo SQLite
export namespace SQLite {
type Error = any;
export interface Database {
callback: (transaction: Transaction) => any,
error?: (error: Error) => any, // TODO def of error
success?: () => any
): void
export interface Transaction {
sqlStatement: string,
arguments?: Array<string|number>,
success?: (transaction: Transaction, resultSet: ResultSet) => any,
error?: (transaction: Transaction, error: Error) => any
export interface ResultSet {
insertId: number;
rowAffected: number;
rows: {
length: number;
item: (index: number) => any;
_array: Array<object>;
export function openDatabase(
name: string | {
name: string,
version?: string,
description?: string,
size?: number,
callback?: () => any
version?: string,
description?: string,
size?: number,
callback?: () => any
* Register Root Component
* TODO: verify if it's a good idea or not to use Generics
* Useful when using function like react-redux connect for example
export function registerRootComponent<P, S>(component: React.Component<P, S>): React.Component<P, S>;
* Expo Take Snapshop
export function takeSnapshotAsync(
view?: (number | React.ReactElement<any>),
options?: {
width?: number,
height?: number,
format?: 'png' | 'jpg' | 'jpeg' | 'webm',
quality?: number,
result?: 'file' | 'base64' | 'data-uri',
): Promise<string>;
* Expo Util
export namespace Util {
export function getCurrentLocaleAsync(): Promise<string>;
export function reload(): void;
* Expo Web Browser
export namespace WebBrowser {
export function openBrowserAsync(url: string): Promise<{type: 'cancelled'|'dismissed'}>;
export function dismissBrowser(): Promise<{type: 'dismissed'}>;
declare module '@expo/vector-icons' {
export interface IconProps {
size?: number;
name: string;
color?: string;
export class Entypo extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class EvilIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class FontAwesome extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Foundation extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Ionicons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class MaterialIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class MaterialComunityIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Octicons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class Zocial extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
export class SimpleLineIcons extends React.Component<IconProps, void> {}
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moshfeu commented Oct 9, 2018

Thanks for sharing :)
First, there is already type definition in DefinitelyTypes project for expo. Maybe it's better to put it there.
Second, it seems that very soon, expo will support typescript and therefore will create their own d.ts

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