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Last active August 29, 2015 14:20
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  • Save pierreburel/d576fc084e16491aaec1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pierreburel/d576fc084e16491aaec1 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Generated by
// ----
// Sass (v3.2.19)
// Compass (v0.12.7)
// ----
$resolution-default: 2 !default;
$resolution-presets: (
ldpi: 75%,
mdpi: 100%,
hdpi: 150%,
xhdpi: 200%,
xxhdpi: 300%,
xxxhdpi: 400%,
retina: 2,
"@2x": 2,
"@3x": 3
) !default;
@mixin resolution($resolution: $resolution-default) {
@if map-has-key($resolution-presets, $resolution) {
$resolution: map-get($resolution-presets, $resolution);
@if $resolution and type-of($resolution) == number {
@if unit($resolution) == "dpi" {
$resolution: $resolution / 96dpi;
} @else if unit($resolution) == "%" {
$resolution: $resolution / 100%;
} @else {
$resolution: $resolution / ($resolution * 0 + 1)
@media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: #{$resolution}), (min-resolution: #{$resolution * 96dpi}) {
.example {
@include resolution {
content: "default";
@include resolution(2dppx) {
content: "2dppx";
@include resolution(192dpi) {
content: "192dpi";
@include resolution(1.5) {
content: "1.5";
@include resolution(3dppx) {
content: "3dppx";
@include resolution(2.5) {
content: "2.5";
@include resolution(240dpi) {
content: "240dpi";
@include resolution(retina) {
content: "retina";
@include resolution(hdpi) {
content: "hdpi";
@include resolution(xhdpi) {
content: "xhdpi";
@include resolution(xxhdpi) {
content: "xxhdpi";
@include resolution(3x) {
content: "3x";
@include resolution("@3x") {
content: "@3x";
@include resolution(150%) {
content: "150%";
Invalid CSS after " ldpi": expected ")", was ": 75%,"
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