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Last active January 7, 2020 11:40
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Projet Dataviz - Simple visu 2
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d3.json("data.json").then(data => {
showSimpleConsumption("#my_dataviz"), graph, data.categories[1].sites[0], data.categories[1])
function showSimpleConsumption(container, svg, site, category) {
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function createStack() {
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return function(item) {
let totalProportion = items.length > 0 ? items.reduce(reducer): 0;
return totalProportion;
function formatData(site) {
return Object.entries( => {
e[1]["type"] = e[0];
return e[1];
function formatSubtype(subtype, subtypeSize) {
let cpt = 0, size = ["o", "Ko", "Mo", "Go"], val = subtypeSize;
while(cpt < size.length && val > 1e3) {
val = val/1e3; cpt++;
return `${subtype}: ${val.toFixed(2)} ${size[cpt]}`
function getSize(width) {
let w = width, max = width.length;
while(max > 0 && isNaN(w = w.slice(0, -1))) {
return +w;
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