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Created December 15, 2009 19:02
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var Mannequin = new Object();
Mannequin.element_id = 'mannequin-canvas';
Mannequin.shirt_id = '';
Mannequin.pant_id = '';
Mannequin.shoes_id = '';
Mannequin.last_piece_hover = ''; // The last piece the mouse was over, to detect changes
Mannequin.cached_images = {}; // hash of hashes for drawing images that have already been loaded
// first level key is the piece id
// second level keys are image, x, y, width, and height
Mannequin.dragging = false; // is the piece type when the user is dragging a piece
Mannequin.resizing = false; // is the piece type when the user is resizing a piece
Mannequin.element = function() {
return $('#' + this.element_id);
// the user is 'handling' if they are
// dragging or resizing
Mannequin.handling = function() {
if (Mannequin.dragging) {
return Mannequin.dragging;
} else if (Mannequin.resizing) {
return Mannequin.resizing;
} else {
return false;
// returns the piece the user is mousing over
Mannequin.piece_mousing_over = function(evt) {
shirt = min_maxes_from_position(Mannequin.cached_images[Mannequin.shirt_id]);
pant = min_maxes_from_position(Mannequin.cached_images[Mannequin.pant_id]);
shoes = min_maxes_from_position(Mannequin.cached_images[Mannequin.shoes_id]);
pieces_over = [];
if (shoes && within_bounds(evt, shoes)) {
if (shirt && within_bounds(evt, shirt)) {
if (pant && within_bounds(evt, pant)) {
// give precedence to the piece that the cursor is currently over, if any
if (pieces_over.indexOf(this.last_piece_hover) != -1) {
return this.last_piece_hover;
} else if (pieces_over.size == 0){
return false;
} else {
return pieces_over[0];
Mannequin.draw_random_outfit = function() {
outfit = random_outfit();
this.shirt_id = outfit['shirt'];
this.pant_id = outfit['pant'];
this.shoes_id = outfit['shoes'];
Mannequin.draw = function(highlight) {
// Image stuff
var canvas = document.getElementById(this.element_id);
var cont = canvas.getContext('2d');
var cache = this.cached_images;
// First clear the canvas
cont.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
cont.strokeStyle = "#ff704b"; // orange, the highlight color
var ids = {
pant: this.pant_id,
shirt: this.shirt_id,
shoes: this.shoes_id
var images = {
pant: new Image(),
shirt: new Image(),
shoes: new Image()
// Some constants
var positions = {
shirt: {
x: 20,
y: 20,
width: 150
pant: {
x: 50,
y: 200,
width: 100
shoes: {
x: 70,
y: 300,
width: 100
// makes sure that the highlighted piece gets drawn last
// and so shows up on top of the rest.
order = []
if (!highlight || highlight == 'shoes') {
order = ['pant', 'shirt', 'shoes'];
} else if (highlight == 'pants') {
order = ['shirt', 'shoes', 'pant'];
} else if (highlight == 'shirt') {
order = ['pant', 'shoes', 'shirt'];
for (piece_ind in order) {
var piece = order[piece_ind];
if (ids[piece] in cache) { // draw the cached image
cached_info = cache[ids[piece]];
cont.drawImage(cached_info.image, cached_info.x, cached_info.y, cached_info.width, cached_info.height);
if (highlight && highlight == piece || highlight == piece + "s") { // it's the one being highlighted
cont.strokeRect(cached_info.x, cached_info.y, cached_info.width, cached_info.height);
this.draw_resize_icon(cont, ids[piece]);
this.draw_info_icon(cont, ids[piece]);
this.draw_close_icon(cont, ids[piece]);
} else if (ids[piece] != '') { //
images[piece].onload = function(id, image, position) {
return function() {
var height = get_height(image, position.width);
cont.drawImage(image, position.x, position.y, position.width, height);
Mannequin.cached_images[id] = {
image: image,
x: position.x,
y: position.y,
width: position.width,
height: height
}(ids[piece], images[piece], positions[piece]);
images[piece].src = couch(ids[piece]) + '/image'
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