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Last active April 30, 2024 09:23
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  • Save pierrelasse/db5a11effd797077ea134ccd00f8d95a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save pierrelasse/db5a11effd797077ea134ccd00f8d95a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. cheat, hack, autotype
// Howto:
// Copy the code and put it in your developer console when on
// It doesn't matter when you put the code in and it will stay loaded aslong as you don't reload the page.
// Just join a race and press enter to automaticly fill in the word.
// Todo:
// - Track on what word you currently are
// - Type each letter?
const trc = (cfg => {
const log = s => console.log("[TRC]", s);
try { trc.unregister(); } catch { }
const a = {
words: [],
index: 0,
inputElement: null,
cooldown: {
active: false,
start: (duration) => {
if (! { = true;
setTimeout(() => { = false;
}, duration);
unregister: () => {
document.removeEventListener("keypress", trc.keyPressHandler);
this.words = trc.words;
this.index = trc.index;
trc = null;
getText: () => document.querySelector(".inputPanel tr:first-child")?.textContent || undefined,
refresh: () => {
trc.inputElement = document.getElementsByClassName("txtInput")[0];
trc.words = trc.getText()?.split(" ") || [];
trc.index = 0; = false;
getWpm: () => parseInt(document.querySelector("rankPanelWpm-self")?.innerText.split(" ")[0], 10),
log("Creating handler");
a.keyPressHandler = (ev) => {
if (ev.keyCode === (cfg.key || 13)) {
if (! && trc.inputElement && trc.words && trc.index < trc.words.length) {
const wordToAdd = trc.words[trc.index] + (trc.index === trc.words.length - 1 ? "" : " ");
if (wordToAdd) {
trc.inputElement.value = wordToAdd;
if (cfg.cooldown > 0) {
trc.cooldown.start(cfg.cooldown || 120);
} else {
console.warn("[TRC] Not loaded correctly. Refreshing...");
if (cfg.debugKey) {
log(`The key ${ev.key} with keyCode ${ev.keyCode} was pressed`);
log("Registering handler");
document.addEventListener("keypress", a.keyPressHandler);
return a;
cooldown: 120, // The cooldown in ms for how fast you can press the key
key: 13, // The code if the key
debugKey: false // When a key was pressed, it print's its code to the console
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