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# We might use this array to set absolute boundaries
universe_constraints = df.describe().loc[["min","max","std"],:]
# We might use this array to set values on specific features
constraints = pd.DataFrame({'constrained_feature': ["X1", "X3"], 'constrained_feature_value': [-1, 4]}).set_index("constrained_feature")
# We define the number of individuals at each generation and the selected number
generation_size = 100
population_out_size = 10
# We define the std_dev impact ratio on generated
std_dev_factor = 0.5
# We initiate the 1st population, based on the original dataset features
starting_population = generate_min_max_population(pd.DataFrame(X, columns=col_names), constraints, generation_size)
features_names = starting_population.columns
# Target is set
target = 42
# We set the number of successive generations
generation_nb = 5000
# We set a variable to record the total number of individuals reached at each stage
individuals_nb = 0
# We define a variable to record every improvement on the target distance
memory = 100
# We create a DataFrame to record the min target from distance at each iteration
results_std_dev = pd.DataFrame(np.zeros((generation_nb,3)), columns=["min_target_distance","individuals_nb","time_elapsed_std_dev"])
start_timer = time.time()
for i in range(generation_nb):
# We either initiate the loop with the starting or previous population
if i==0:
population_in = starting_population
population_in = population_out.drop(["Y","target_distance"], axis=1)
# As the number of generation increases, we reduce the standard deviation
# multiplication factor to help fine-tune solutions
if (i == 250) or (i == 500) or (i == 1000) or (i == 2500):
std_dev_factor = std_dev_factor/2
# A new generation is created and only the best individuals are returned
population_out = std_dev_select(universe_constraints, constraints, population_in, features_names, generation_size, std_dev_factor, population_out_size, target, model)
# The current minimum distance from target is set and recorded
current_min = population_out.iloc[0,population_out.shape[1]-1]
results_std_dev.loc[i,"min_target_distance"] = current_min
# The incremental number of individuals created is calculated and recorded
results_std_dev.loc[i,"individuals_nb"] = individuals_nb
results_std_dev.loc[i,"time_elapsed_std_dev"] = float(time.time()-start_timer)
# In case there is a improvement on the minimum distance, we display it
if current_min<memory:
memory = current_min
print(i, ":", memory)
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