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Last active February 22, 2022 20:43
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  • Save pierrenoizat/5f4238f3d3a03653cf1a9af508f712cb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Generate your eth address and private key from mnemonic passphrase
require 'bitcoin'
require 'money-tree'
require 'eth'
require 'bip44'
require 'bip_mnemonic'
require 'bip44/utils'
require 'bip44/bitcoin'
require 'bip44/ethereum'
require 'bip44/wallet'
mnemonic = "beyond satoshi" # enter your own 24-word passphrase here
seed = BipMnemonic.to_seed(mnemonic: mnemonic)
@eth_wallet = Bip44::Wallet.from_seed(seed, "m/44'/60")
@eth_node = @eth_wallet.sub_wallet "m/2/0"
priv_key_hex = @eth_node.private_key # key = priv:priv_key_hex
eth_address = @eth_node.ethereum_address
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