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Created December 7, 2017 12:46
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extern crate nom;
use nom::{alphanumeric, digit};
use std::str::FromStr;
use std::collections::{HashSet, HashMap, VecDeque};
// do_parse! lets you chain parsers together and give the intermediates a name.
// expr_res! lets you turn Result-returning functions into fake parsers.
// we use this to (step by step) turn a string into a usize.
named!(alphanumeric_usize(&str) -> usize,
chars: digit >>
weight: expr_res!(usize::from_str(chars)) >>
// We return the alphanumeric chars as well as the weight.
// delimited! wraps the middle parse (we wrote that one!) and checks for
// but doesn't return the start and end (in this case, the brackets).
named!(name_and_weight(&str) -> (&str, usize),
tag!(" "),
// Handles the weird bit after the arrow.
// opt! makes this optional - if it fails we just don't include the tail bit.
// separated_nonempty_list_complete! kind of does what it says - it uses the
// first parser (tag!(",")) as a separator, and the second parser to parse
// the things in the list.
named!(carried(&str) -> Vec<&str>,
tag!(" -> ") >>
result: separated_nonempty_list_complete!(
tag!(", "),
) >>
#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Debug)]
struct Entry<'a> {
name: &'a str,
weight: usize,
carried: Vec<&'a str>,
named!(entry(&str) -> Entry,
name_and_weight: name_and_weight >>
carried: opt!(carried) >>
let (name, weight) = name_and_weight;
let carried = carried.unwrap_or(Vec::new());
(Entry {
name, weight, carried
named!(entries(&str) -> Vec<Entry>,
separated_list_complete!(tag!("\n"), entry)
fn solution_1<'a>(entries: &[Entry<'a>]) -> &'a str {
let mut carried_names: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
for carrier in entries.iter() {
for carried in carrier.carried.iter() {
let uncarried_carrier = entries
.filter(|carrier| !carried_names.contains(
println!("root program: {:#?}", uncarried_carrier);
fn solution_2(entries: &[Entry]) {
let mut name_to_program = HashMap::new();
for program in entries.iter() {
name_to_program.insert(, program);
let mut name_to_weight = HashMap::new();
// this is just a depth-first search done non-recursively.
// the queue contains the current chain of programs that we're checking
// the weight for.
let mut work = VecDeque::new();
let root = solution_1(entries);
while let Some(name) = work.pop_front() {
let program = name_to_program[name];
if let Some(carried) = program.carried.get(0) {
// either all our carried programs are ready, or none of them
// are
if name_to_weight.contains_key(carried) {
let mut weight = program.weight;
for carried in program.carried.iter() {
weight += name_to_weight[carried];
name_to_weight.insert(, weight);
} else {
for carried in program.carried.iter() {
} else {
// we're a leaf node - just add ourselves
name_to_weight.insert(, program.weight);
let mut parent_name = root;
let mut target_weight = 0;
loop {
// need to find the problem child - the carried program with
// a different weight, guaranteed to be unique.
// we partition our carried programs by weight.
let mut weight_to_carrieds = HashMap::new();
let parent = name_to_program[parent_name];
for carried in parent.carried.iter() {
let weight = name_to_weight[carried];
let carrieds = weight_to_carrieds.entry(weight).or_insert(Vec::new());
if let Some(bad_carried) =
.filter(|v| v.len() == 1)
.nth(0) {
let bad_carried = bad_carried[0];
// we have the name of the bad carried program - the one which
// is alone in its' weight. The rest of the programs have the
// same (correct) weight.
let bad_weight = name_to_weight[bad_carried];
parent_name = bad_carried;
target_weight = weight_to_carrieds
.find(|weight| *weight != bad_weight)
} else {
// all of our children are the same weight - that means we're
// the problem. Just subtract the weight of our carried programs
// from the target weight, and we have our answer!
let carried_weight: usize = parent
.map(|carried| name_to_weight[carried])
let target_weight = target_weight - carried_weight;
println!("{} needs to be weight {}",, target_weight);
fn main() {
let test = include_str!("../data/test.txt");
let (_, test) = entries(test).unwrap();
let test = test.as_ref();
let real = include_str!("../data/real.txt");
let (_, real) = entries(real).unwrap();
let real = real.as_ref();
fn check_parser() {
use std::io::{BufRead, Cursor};
use nom::IResult;
let data = "hello (1234)";
assert_eq!(name_and_weight(data), IResult::Done("", ("hello", 1234)));
let data = " -> abc, de, f";
assert_eq!(carried(data), IResult::Done("", vec!["abc", "de", "f"]));
let data = "abc (2) -> def, e";
Entry {
name: "abc",
weight: 2,
carried: vec!["def", "e"],
let data = "abc (2) -> def, e
def (345)
adff (4) -> arg, blarg";
vec![Entry {
name: "abc",
weight: 2,
carried: vec!["def", "e"],
Entry {
name: "def",
weight: 345,
carried: vec![],
Entry {
name: "adff",
weight: 4,
carried: vec!["arg", "blarg"],
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