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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Problems with Type Classes
import shapeless._
* Created by EAPierzchalski on 7th August 2014
//Generic[_] and TypeClass[_] are known to have issues with
//sealed case class families inside of objects,
//so we pre-empt that by moving them to the top level.
sealed trait Rec
case class RNil(s: String) extends Rec
case class RCons(s: String, r: Rec) extends Rec
sealed trait InnerRec
case class Base(s: String) extends InnerRec
case class ListTree(s: String, children: List[InnerRec]) extends InnerRec
object TypeClassesDemo {
import ShowSyntax._
There is nowhere we can stick this implicit such that
it gets used by the shapeless LabelledTypeClass[_].
implicit def injectedShow: Show[RNil] = new Show[RNil] {
override def show(t: RNil): String = s"Injected! ${t.s}"
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val out = (RCons("hi", RCons("lo", RNil("end"))): Rec).show
//ideally, the `injectedShow` above would mean that
//assert(out == "RCons(s = hi, r = RCons(s = lo, r = RNil(Injected! end)))
//but instead,
assert(out == "RCons(s = hi, r = RCons(s = lo, r = RNil(s = end)))")
//ideally, lazy implicit resolution by the methods in
//would mean that the compiler would have no issue deriving Show[List[InnerRec]]
//and thus Show[InnerRec].
val listTree: InnerRec =
import shapeless.test.illTyped
illTyped {
"""val out ="""
object ShowSyntax {
implicit class ShowSyntaxEnrich[A](a: A)(implicit shower: Show[A]) {
def show: String =
trait Show[T] {
def show(t: T): String
* The below is copied from the shapeless 'Show' example
* (found at [[]])
* I've added the 'listShow' to demonstrate problems when recursion is 'separated' by
* an intermediate container type.
object Show extends LabelledTypeClassCompanion[Show] {
implicit def stringShow: Show[String] = new Show[String] {
def show(t: String) = t
//we use a lazy parameter to try and use lazy resolution to get around
//the 'inner recursion' problem above.
implicit def listShow[A](implicit showA: Lazy[Show[A]]): Show[List[A]] = new Show[List[A]] {
def show(t: List[A]) ="List(", ", ", ")")
implicit def showInstance: LabelledTypeClass[Show] = new LabelledTypeClass[Show] {
def emptyProduct = new Show[HNil] {
def show(t: HNil) = ""
def product[F, T <: HList](name: String, CHead: Show[F], CTail: Show[T]) = new Show[F :: T] {
def show(ft: F :: T) = {
val head =
val tail =
if (tail.isEmpty)
s"$name = $head"
s"$name = $head, $tail"
def emptyCoproduct = new Show[CNil] {
def show(t: CNil) = ""
def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](name: String, CL: => Show[L], CR: => Show[R]) = new Show[L :+: R] {
def show(lr: L :+: R) = lr match {
case Inl(l) => s"$name(${})"
case Inr(r) => s"${}"
def project[F, G](instance: => Show[G], to: F => G, from: G => F) = new Show[F] {
def show(f: F) =
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That's very helpful ... many thanks.

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