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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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scalaVersion := "2.11.2"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.chuusai" %% "shapeless" % "2.1.0-SNAPSHOT" changing()
resolvers ++= Seq(
scalacOptions ++= Seq("-Xlog-implicits")
import shapeless._
sealed trait V
case class S(value: String) extends V
case class N(value: Int) extends V
sealed trait L
case class Vs(values: Seq[V]) extends L
object NestedRecursion {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
import Show._
val vs: L = Vs(Seq(S("hi"), N(12)))
trait Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String
object Show {
implicit def showString = Show[String] { identity }
implicit def showInt = Show[Int] { _.toString }
implicit def showDouble = Show[Double] { _.toString }
implicit def showTuple[A: Show, B: Show] = Show[(A, B)] {
case (a, b) => s"(${}, ${})"
implicit def showSeq[A: Show] = Show[Seq[A]] {
as =>"Seq(", ", ", ")")
implicit class ShowOps[A](a: A)(implicit s: Show[A]) {
def show: String =
def apply[A](s: A => String) = new Show[A] {
def show(a: A): String = s(a)
import shapeless._
trait ShowInstancesImp extends TypeClass[Show] {
override def emptyProduct: Show[HNil] = Show { _ => "" }
override def project[A, B](
instance: Show[B],
to: (A) => B,
from: (B) => A): Show[A] =
Show { a => }
override def product[H, T <: HList](
name: String,
CH: Show[H],
CT: Show[T]): Show[::[H, T]] =
Show {
case head :: tail =>
val hs =
val ts =
val end = if (ts.isEmpty) "" else s", $ts"
s"$name: $hs$end"
override def emptyCoproduct: Show[CNil] =
Show { _ => throw new Exception("Should never call instance for CNil") }
override def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](
name: String,
CL: => Show[L],
CR: => Show[R]): Show[:+:[L, R]] = Show {
case Inl(left) => s"$name {${}}"
case Inr(right) =>
object ShowInstances extends ShowInstancesImp
import scala.language.higherKinds
import shapeless._
import shapeless.record.FieldType
trait TypeClassImpl[C[_]] {
def emptyProduct: C[HNil]
def product[H, T <: HList](
name: String,
CHead: C[H],
CTail: C[T]): C[H :: T]
def emptyCoproduct: C[CNil]
def coproduct[L, R <: Coproduct](
name: String,
CL: => C[L],
CR: => C[R]): C[L :+: R]
def project[A, B](
instance: C[B],
to: A => B,
from: B => A): C[A]
trait LowPriorityTypeClassConstructors[C[_]] extends TypeClassImpl[C] {
trait Instance[Arg] extends DepFn0 {
type Inner
final type Out = C[Inner]
type Aux[Arg, In] = Instance[Arg] {
type Inner = In
trait ProductInstance[Arg <: HList] extends Instance[Arg] {
type Inner <: HList
type ProductAux[Arg <: HList, In <: HList] = ProductInstance[Arg] {
type Inner = In
trait CoproductInstance[Arg <: Coproduct] extends Instance[Arg] {
type Inner <: Coproduct
type CoproductAux[Arg <: Coproduct, In <: Coproduct] = CoproductInstance[Arg] {
type Inner = In
implicit def emptyProductInstance[In <: HNil]: ProductAux[In, HNil] =
new ProductInstance[In] {
type Inner = HNil
def apply() = emptyProduct
implicit def productInstance[Label <: Symbol, Head, Tail <: HList, TailInner <: HList](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[Label],
cHead: C[Head],
tailInstance: ProductAux[Tail, TailInner]): ProductAux[FieldType[Label, Head] :: Tail, Head :: TailInner] =
new ProductInstance[FieldType[Label, Head]:: Tail] {
type Inner = Head :: TailInner
def apply() = product(, cHead, tailInstance())
implicit def emptyCoproductInstance[In <: CNil]: CoproductAux[In, CNil] =
new CoproductInstance[In] {
type Inner = CNil
def apply() = emptyCoproduct
implicit def coproductInstance[Label <: Symbol, Left, Right <: Coproduct, RightInner <: Coproduct](
implicit witness: Witness.Aux[Label],
cLeft: Lazy[C[Left]],
rightInstance: CoproductAux[Right, RightInner]): CoproductAux[FieldType[Label, Left] :+: Right, Left :+: RightInner] =
new CoproductInstance[FieldType[Label, Left]:+: Right] {
type Inner = Left :+: RightInner
def apply() = coproduct(, cLeft.value, rightInstance())
trait LazyGenerics {
implicit def lazyLabelledGeneric[A](
implicit lg: LabelledGeneric[A]): Lazy[LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, lg.Repr]] =
Lazy { lg }
implicit def lazyBareGeneric[A](
implicit bg: Generic[A]): Lazy[Generic.Aux[A, bg.Repr]] =
Lazy { bg }
trait TypeClass[C[_]] extends LowPriorityTypeClassConstructors[C] {
trait FinalInstance[A] {
def apply(): C[A]
implicit def genericInstance[A, Repr0, Repr1](
implicit lg: Lazy[LabelledGeneric.Aux[A, Repr0]],
bg: Lazy[Generic.Aux[A, Repr1]],
instance: Aux[Repr0, Repr1]): FinalInstance[A] =
new FinalInstance[A] {
def apply() = project(instance(),, bg.value.from)
object auto extends LazyGenerics {
implicit def derive[A](implicit instance: Lazy[FinalInstance[A]]): C[A] = instance.value()
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