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Created March 26, 2015 05:31
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COMP3231 utilities
#! /bin/sh
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage: $0 ASSN-NUM"
echo "Fetches a copy of asst[ASSN-NUM] and puts it at"
echo "/home/\$USER/cs3231/asst[ASSN-NUM]-src".
echo "Deletes all traces of the unholy svn."
cd ~/cs3231
rm -rf repo
rm -rf asst$1-src
svnadmin create repo
cd /home/cs3231/assigns
svn import \
asst$1/src \
file:///home/$USER/cs3231/repo/asst$1/trunk \
-m "Initial import"
svn copy \
-m "Tag initial import" \
file:///home/$USER/cs3231/repo/asst$1/trunk \
cd ~/cs3231
svn checkout file:///home/$USER/cs3231/repo/asst$1/trunk asst$1-src
rm -rf repo
rm -rf asst$1-src/.svn
#! /bin/sh
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage: $0 ASSN-NUM"
echo "produces a file 'asst[ASSN-NUM].diff containing"
echo "the differences of all files within the directory"
echo "'asst[ASSN-NUM]-src'. This script should be run"
echo "from the git root directory of the project."
echo "The script looks for the first commit with commit message"
echo "matching \"Initial commit for assignment [ASSN-NUM].\","
echo "and then stores the diff from that commit to HEAD."
INIT_COMMIT=`git log --grep="Initial commit for assignment $1." --pretty=format:"%H"`
git diff \
--no-prefix \
--color=never \
--relative="asst$1-src" \
$INIT_COMMIT..HEAD -- asst$1-src > asst$1.diff
echo "Diff involves the following files:"
git diff --name-only $INIT_COMMIT..HEAD -- asst$1-src
#! /bin/sh
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage: $0 ASSN-NUM"
echo "Runs the configuration, build, depend, and install commands"
echo "for source code in '/home/\$USER/cs3231/asst[ASSN-NUM]-src'."
cd ~/cs3231/asst$1-src
cd ~/cs3231/asst$1-src/kern/conf
./config ASST$1
cd ../compile/ASST$1
bmake depend -j8
bmake -j8
bmake install
cd ~/cs3231/asst$1-src
bmake -j8
#! /bin/sh
set -e
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Usage: $0 ASSN-NUM"
echo "Copies an instance of the assignment source"
echo "(found at /home/cs3231/assigns/asst$1/src on the"
echo "cse machines) to /home/\$USER/cs3231/tmp,"
echo "applies the patch /home\$USER/cs3231/asst[ASSN-NUM].diff"
echo "to it, then builds and installs it."
rm -rf ~/cs3231/tmp
mkdir ~/cs3231/tmp
cp -r /home/cs3231/assigns/asst$1/src ~/cs3231/tmp
cd ~/cs3231/tmp/src
patch -p0 < ~/cs3231/asst$1.diff
bmake -j8
cd kern/conf
./config ASST$1
cd ../compile/ASST$1
bmake depend -j8
bmake -j8
bmake install
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