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Created November 29, 2012 04:55
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Few Excel formulas - PMT, PPMT, XIRR - expressed in Javascript
/* Based on
* - EGM Mathematical Finance class by Enrique Garcia M. <>
* - A Guide to the PMT, FV, IPMT and PPMT Functions by Kevin (aka MWVisa1)
var ExcelFormulas = {
PVIF: function(rate, nper) {
return Math.pow(1 + rate, nper);
FVIFA: function(rate, nper) {
return rate == 0? nper: (this.PVIF(rate, nper) - 1) / rate;
PMT: function(rate, nper, pv, fv, type) {
if (!fv) fv = 0;
if (!type) type = 0;
if (rate == 0) return -(pv + fv)/nper;
var pvif = Math.pow(1 + rate, nper);
var pmt = rate / (pvif - 1) * -(pv * pvif + fv);
if (type == 1) {
pmt /= (1 + rate);
return pmt;
IPMT: function(pv, pmt, rate, per) {
var tmp = Math.pow(1 + rate, per);
return 0 - (pv * tmp * rate + pmt * (tmp - 1));
PPMT: function(rate, per, nper, pv, fv, type) {
if (per < 1 || (per >= nper + 1)) return null;
var pmt = this.PMT(rate, nper, pv, fv, type);
var ipmt = this.IPMT(pv, pmt, rate, per - 1);
return pmt - ipmt;
DaysBetween: function(date1, date2) {
var oneDay = 24*60*60*1000;
return Math.round(Math.abs((date1.getTime() - date2.getTime())/oneDay));
// Change Date and Flow to date and value fields you use
XNPV: function(rate, values) {
var xnpv = 0.0;
var firstDate = new Date(values[0].Date);
for (var key in values) {
var tmp = values[key];
var value = tmp.Flow;
var date = new Date(tmp.Date);
xnpv += value / Math.pow(1 + rate, this.DaysBetween(firstDate, date)/365);
return xnpv;
XIRR: function(values, guess) {
if (!guess) guess = 0.1;
var x1 = 0.0;
var x2 = guess;
var f1 = this.XNPV(x1, values);
var f2 = this.XNPV(x2, values);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
if ((f1 * f2) < 0.0) break;
if (Math.abs(f1) < Math.abs(f2)) {
f1 = this.XNPV(x1 += 1.6 * (x1 - x2), values);
else {
f2 = this.XNPV(x2 += 1.6 * (x2 - x1), values);
if ((f1 * f2) > 0.0) return null;
var f = this.XNPV(x1, values);
if (f < 0.0) {
var rtb = x1;
var dx = x2 - x1;
else {
var rtb = x2;
var dx = x1 - x2;
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
dx *= 0.5;
var x_mid = rtb + dx;
var f_mid = this.XNPV(x_mid, values);
if (f_mid <= 0.0) rtb = x_mid;
if ((Math.abs(f_mid) < 1.0e-6) || (Math.abs(dx) < 1.0e-6)) return x_mid;
return null;
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kukat commented Jul 8, 2014

    FV: function(rate, nper, pmt, pv, type) {
        if (!type) type = 0;

        var pow = Math.pow(1 + rate, nper);
        var fv = 0;

        if (rate) {
            fv = (pmt * (1 + rate * type) * (1 - pow) / rate) - pv * pow;
        } else {
            fv = -1 * (pv + pmt * nper);

        return fv;

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Great library, thanks.
loop for calculating f1 and f2 should run only 10 itereation, not a hundred.
See and compare calculations to excel

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Here for Using XIRR functionality we have to pass array of objects ie; values array in the parameter.
It will be like this:
var values =
{Date:'1/24/2012',Flow: -10000},
{Date:'6/27/2015',Flow: 12000}

And then pass this values array in XIRR function like this:

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Saved me, thanks!

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vqminh commented Apr 13, 2020

for XNPV (and XIRR): need to be sorted by date, so may be adding:
values.sort((a, b) => a.Date.getTime() - b.Date.getTime());

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