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Created March 8, 2017 20:07
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(ns alice-clj.core)
(def text (slurp "resources/19033.txt"))
(def words (clojure.string/split text #"[^A-Za-z]+"))
(def pairs (partition 2 1 (map clojure.string/lower-case words)))
(defn add-pair [m [w1 w2]]
(update-in m [w1 w2] (fn [count]
(if count (inc count) 1))))
(def freqs (reduce add-pair {} pairs))
(def sorted-freqs (into {} (map (fn [[w1 m]]
[w1 (map first (sort-by second > m))]) freqs)))
(defn next-word [sorted-freqs w]
(let [words (get sorted-freqs w)
word (rand-nth (take 3 words))]
(defn upcase-word [s]
(clojure.string/join (conj (rest s) (Character/toUpperCase (first s)))))
(defn sentence [n]
(let [start (rand-nth words)
[first-word & next-words] (take n (iterate (partial next-word sorted-freqs) start))]
(clojure.string/join " " (conj next-words (upcase-word first-word)))))
(sentence 6)
Will be a little thing i
alice-clj.core> (sentence 8)
Said to be off with a low hall
alice-clj.core> (sentence 23)
Go and the project gutenberg tm work is to alice s the king said alice s the king said to alice in the
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