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Forked from skuro/
Last active February 13, 2019 20:13
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Meetup #111 solutions
(ns clojure-dojo-2019-02-13.core)
(defn board [width height]
(into {} (for [x (range width)
y (range height)]
[[x y] (rand-nth [:blue :red])])))
(defn neighbours [board width height x y step-x step-y]
(let [end-x (if (neg? step-x) -1 width)
end-y (if (neg? step-y) -1 height)]
(count (concat (take-while (fn [x1]
(= (get board [x1 y]) :blue))
(range (+ x step-x) end-x step-x))
(take-while (fn [y1]
(= (get board [x y1]) :blue))
(range (+ y step-y) end-y step-y))))))
(defn all-neighbours [board width height x y]
(+ (neighbours board width height x y -1 -1)
(neighbours board width height x y 1 1)))
(defn compute-numbers [board width height]
(reduce (fn [board1 [x y]]
(if (= (get board1 [x y]) :blue)
(assoc board1 [x y] (all-neighbours board width height x y))
(keys board)))
(defn remove-dots [board]
(reduce (fn [board1 [x y]]
(if (= :remove (rand-nth [:keep :remove]))
(assoc board1 [x y] :grey)
(keys board)))
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