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Created July 22, 2022 07:07
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Scoring script for Azure ML that can be used to run inference of mlflow models
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import os
from copy import deepcopy
from inference_schema.parameter_types.abstract_parameter_type import AbstractParameterType
from inference_schema.parameter_types.numpy_parameter_type import NumpyParameterType
from inference_schema.parameter_types.standard_py_parameter_type import StandardPythonParameterType
from inference_schema.schema_decorators import input_schema, output_schema
from mlflow.models import Model
from mlflow.pyfunc import load_model
from mlflow.pyfunc.scoring_server import parse_json_input, _get_jsonable_obj
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Pandas installed, may not be necessary for tensorspec based models, so don't require it all the time
pandas_installed = False
import pandas as pd
from inference_schema.parameter_types.pandas_parameter_type import PandasParameterType
pandas_installed = True
except ImportError as exception:
_logger.warning('Unable to import pandas')
class NoSampleParameterType(AbstractParameterType):
def __init__(self):
super(NoSampleParameterType, self).__init__(None)
def deserialize_input(self, input_data):
Passthrough, do nothing to the incoming data
return input_data
def input_to_swagger(self):
Return schema for an empty object
return {"type": "object", "example": {}}
def create_tensor_spec_sample_io(model_signature_io):
# Create a sample numpy.ndarray based on shape/type of the tensor info of the model
io = model_signature_io.inputs
if not model_signature_io.has_input_names():
# If the input is not a named tensor, the sample io value that we create will just be a numpy.ndarray
shape = io[0].shape
if shape and shape[0] == -1:
# -1 for first dimension means the input data is batched
# Create a numpy array with the first dimension of shape as 1 so that inference-schema
# can correctly generate the swagger sample for the input
shape = list(deepcopy(shape))
shape[0] = 1
sample_io = np.zeros(tuple(shape), dtype=io[0].type)
# otherwise, the input is a named tensor, so the sample io value that we create will be
# Dict[str, numpy.ndarray], which maps input name to a numpy.ndarray of the corresponding size
sample_io = {}
for io_val in io:
shape = io_val.shape
if shape and shape[0] == -1:
# -1 for first dimension means the input data is batched
# Create a numpy array with the first dimension of shape as 1 so that inference-schema
# can correctly generate the swagger sample for the input
shape = list(deepcopy(shape))
shape[0] = 1
sample_io[] = np.zeros(tuple(shape), dtype=io_val.type)
return sample_io
def create_col_spec_sample_io(model_signature_io):
# Create a sample pandas.DataFrame based on shape/type of the tensor info of the model
columns = model_signature_io.input_names()
except AttributeError: # MLflow < 1.24.0
columns = model_signature_io.column_names()
types = model_signature_io.pandas_types()
schema = {}
for c, t in zip(columns, types):
schema[c] = t
df = pd.DataFrame(columns=columns)
return df.astype(dtype=schema)
model_path = os.path.join(os.getenv("AZUREML_MODEL_DIR"), os.getenv("MLFLOW_MODEL_FOLDER"))
# model loaded here using mlfow.models import Model so we have access to the model signature
model = Model.load(model_path)
sample_input = None
input_param = None
sample_output = None
output_param = None
# If a sample input is provided, load this input and use this as the sample input to create the
# scoring script and inference-schema decorators instead of creating a sample based on just the
# signature information
if model.saved_input_example_info:
sample_input_file_path = os.path.join(model_path, model.saved_input_example_info['artifact_path'])
with open(sample_input_file_path, 'r') as sample_input_file:
loaded_input = json.load(sample_input_file)
if model.saved_input_example_info['type'] == 'dataframe':
sample_input = parse_json_input(
elif model.saved_input_example_info["type"] == "ndarray":
inputs = loaded_input["inputs"]
if isinstance(inputs, dict):
sample_input = {
input_name: np.asarray(input_value) for input_name, input_value in inputs.items()
sample_input = np.asarray(inputs)
_logger.warning('Unable to handle sample model input of type "{}", must be of type '
'"dataframe" or "ndarray. For more information, please see: '
except Exception as e:
"Failure processing model sample input: {}.\nWill attempt to create sample input based on model signature. "
"For more information, please see:".format(e)
# Handle the signature information to attempt creation of a sample based on signature if no concrete
# sample was provided
model_signature = model.signature
if model_signature:
model_signature_inputs = model_signature.inputs
model_signature_outputs = model_signature.outputs
if model_signature_inputs and sample_input is None:
if model_signature_inputs.is_tensor_spec():
sample_input = create_tensor_spec_sample_io(model_signature_inputs)
sample_input = create_col_spec_sample_io(model_signature_inputs)
if model_signature_outputs and sample_output is None:
if model_signature_outputs.is_tensor_spec():
sample_output = create_tensor_spec_sample_io(model_signature_outputs)
sample_output = create_col_spec_sample_io(model_signature_outputs)
"No signature information provided for model. If no sample information was provided with the model "
"the deployment's swagger will not include input and output schema and typing information."
"For more information, please see:"
if sample_input is None:
input_param = NoSampleParameterType()
if isinstance(sample_input, np.ndarray):
# Unnamed tensor input
input_param = NumpyParameterType(sample_input, enforce_shape=False)
elif isinstance(sample_input, dict):
param_arg = {}
for key, value in sample_input.items():
param_arg[key] = NumpyParameterType(value, enforce_shape=False)
input_param = StandardPythonParameterType(param_arg)
input_param = PandasParameterType(sample_input, enforce_shape=False, orient='split')
if sample_output is None:
output_param = NoSampleParameterType()
if isinstance(sample_output, np.ndarray):
# Unnamed tensor input
output_param = NumpyParameterType(sample_output, enforce_shape=False)
elif isinstance(sample_output, dict):
param_arg = {}
for key, value in sample_output.items():
param_arg[key] = NumpyParameterType(value, enforce_shape=False)
output_param = StandardPythonParameterType(param_arg)
output_param = PandasParameterType(sample_output, enforce_shape=False, orient='records')
# we use mlflow.pyfunc's load_model function because it has a predict function on it we need for inferencing
model = load_model(model_path)
def init():
@input_schema("input_data", input_param)
def run(input_data):
if (
isinstance(input_data, np.ndarray)
or (isinstance(input_data, dict) and input_data and isinstance(list(input_data.values())[0], np.ndarray))
or (pandas_installed and isinstance(input_data, pd.DataFrame))
return _get_jsonable_obj(model.predict(input_data), pandas_orient="records")
if isinstance(input_data, str):
input_data = json.loads(input_data)
if 'input_data' in input_data:
input_data = input_data['input_data']
if isinstance(input_data, list):
# if a list, assume the input is a numpy array
input = np.asarray(input_data)
elif isinstance(input_data, dict) and "columns" in input_data and "index" in input_data and "data" in input_data:
# if the dictionary follows pandas split column format, deserialize into a pandas Dataframe
input = parse_json_input(json_input=json.dumps(input_data), orient="split")
# otherwise, assume input is a named tensor, and deserialize into a dict[str, numpy.ndarray]
input = {input_name: np.asarray(input_value) for input_name, input_value in input_data.items()}
return _get_jsonable_obj(model.predict(input), pandas_orient="records")
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