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Created August 29, 2011 20:16
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class cli {
public static $pb_length = 50;
public static $pb_start = '[';
public static $pb_end = ']';
public static $pb_bg = ' ';
public static $pb_fg = '=';
public static $pb_head = '>';
* Creates an ASCII progress bar, i.e.
* [====================== 87% ==============> ]
* @param integer $step current step of progress bar
* @param integer $total total steps in progress bar
* @param string $decorator a string with the design of the progress bar
* @param boolean $return set to TRUE to return output instead of printing
* @return string ASCII progress bar
public static function progress_bar($step = 0, $total = 100, $decorator = '[=> ]', $return = FALSE)
$pb_start = (isset($decorator[0])) ? $decorator[0] : self::$pb_start;
$pb_fg = (isset($decorator[0])) ? $decorator[1] : self::$pb_start;
$pb_head = (isset($decorator[0])) ? $decorator[2] : self::$pb_start;
$pb_bg = (isset($decorator[0])) ? $decorator[3] : self::$pb_start;
$pb_end = (isset($decorator[0])) ? $decorator[4] : self::$pb_start;
// Determine position of progress bar
$position = floor(($step / $total) * self::$pb_length);
// Remove 'head' character if progress is >= 100%
$pb_head = (($step / $total) >= 1) ? $pb_fg : $pb_head;
// Create progress bar
$output = $pb_start.str_repeat($pb_fg, $position).$pb_head.
str_repeat($pb_bg, self::$pb_length - $position).$pb_end."\r";
// Overlay percent
$output = substr($output, 0, floor(self::$pb_length / 2) - 2).
sprintf(' % 3.0f%% ', ($step / $total) * 100).
substr($output, floor((self::$pb_length / 2) + 4), strlen($output));
if ($return === TRUE)
return $output;
echo $output;
public static function capture_start()
public static function capture_stop()
$output = ob_get_contents();
return $output;
public static function color($text)
$color = new color($text);
foreach (array_slice(func_get_args(), 1) as $style)
return $color;
class color {
public $text = '';
public static $colors = array
// Styles.
'bold' => array('[1m', '[22m'),
'italic' => array('[3m', '[23m'),
'underline' => array('[4m', '[24m'),
'inverse' => array('[7m', '[27m'),
// Grayscale.
'white' => array('[37m', '[39m'),
'grey' => array('[90m', '[39m'),
'black' => array('[30m', '[39m'),
// Colors.
'blue' => array('[34m', '[39m'),
'cyan' => array('[36m', '[39m'),
'green' => array('[32m', '[39m'),
'magenta' => array('[35m', '[39m'),
'red' => array('[31m', '[39m'),
'yellow' => array('[33m', '[39m'),
public static function get($text)
return new color($text);
public function __construct($text = '')
$this->text = $text;
public function __toString()
return $this->text;
public function __call($method, $args)
if (isset(self::$colors[$method]))
$this->text = self::style($this->text, $method);
return $this;
public static function style($text, $style)
if (!isset(self::$colors[$style]))
return $text;
list($left, $right) = self::$colors[$style];
return sprintf("%s%s%s", chr(27) . $left, $text, chr(27) . $right);
require_once 'cli.php';
for ($x = 0; $x <= 1000000; $x+=10) {
cli::progress_bar($x, 1000000, '[|| ]');
echo cli::color("\nDone!")->green();
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