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Created December 10, 2009 22:28
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ini_set("display_errors", 1);
$o_db = db_connect($_db_host, $_db_user, $_db_passw);
$new_ppcs = array(); // PPCs from CSV
$existing_ppcs = array(); // PPCs from Database
$mailclasses = getMailClasses(); // MailClasses from database
$ppc_options = getPPCOptions(); // MailClass options from database
$brand_new_ppcs = array(); // Brand new PPCs
$changed = 0; // Number of PPCs that have changed
// Next MailClass ID to use for new mailclasses
$next_mailclass_id = getNextMailClassID();
$new_mailclasses = array(); // SQL for new MailClasses
$weight_range_updates = array(); // SQL for new WeightRanges
$mailclass_updates = array(); // SQL for updated MailClasses
$translation_updates = array(); // SQL for new Translations
// Load new rate information from CSV
if (($handle = fopen('MAS_GE1001A_PL22.csv', "r")) !== FALSE)
while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE)
// Remove keine if it's there
$options = trim(str_replace('keine', '', $data[2]));
$new_ppc = new PPC();
$new_ppc->PP_Code = trim($data[0]);
$new_ppc->MailClass = trim($data[1]);
$new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID = array_search($new_ppc->MailClass, $mailclasses);
$new_ppc->PP_Options = ($options) ? explode(" + ", $options) : array();
$new_ppc->PP_MaxWeight = trim(str_replace(';', '', $data[4]));
$new_ppcs[$new_ppc->PP_Code] = $new_ppc;
// Maybe this PPC has an entirely new mailclass?
if ($new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID === FALSE)
$insert_mailclass = "INSERT INTO \"MailClass\" (\"MC_MailClassID\", \"MC_Code\", \"MC_CA_CarrierID\", \"MC_IsActive\", \"MC_IsRetired\", \"MC_TranslationsTextKey\", \"MC_IsVATApplied\") VALUES ($next_mailclass_id, '$next_mailclass_id', 3, '1', '0', $next_mailclass_id, '0');\n";
$insert_translation = "INSERT INTO \"Translations\" (\"TS_LA_Code\", \"TS_ModuleID\", \"TS_TextKey\", \"TS_TextValue\") VALUES ('DE', 'MAILCLASS', $next_mailclass_id, '{$new_ppc->MailClass}');\n";
$new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID = $next_mailclass_id;
$new_mailclasses[] = $insert_mailclass;
$translation_updates[] = $insert_translation;
// Load existing rate information from database
$result = db_query($o_db, 'SELECT * FROM "PPCodes"');
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result))
$ppc = new PPC($row);
$existing_ppcs[$ppc->PP_Code] = $ppc;
// Build table of differences
$html = "<table>";
foreach ($new_ppcs as $new_ppc)
// See if the PPC from the CSV is in the database
if (isset($existing_ppcs[$new_ppc->PP_Code]))
$existing_ppc = $existing_ppcs[$new_ppc->PP_Code];
$mailclass_color = $options_color = $weight_color = '';
// See if anything changed
if ($new_ppc->MailClass != $existing_ppc->MailClass)
// This PPC's mailclass is changing
$sql = "UPDATE \"PPCodes\" SET \"PP_MC_MailClassID\" = '{$new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID}' WHERE \"PP_Code\" = {$new_ppc->PP_Code};\n";
$mailclass_updates[] = $sql;
$mailclass_color = ' bgcolor="yellow"';
if ($new_ppc->PP_Options != $existing_ppc->PP_Options)
$options_color = ' bgcolor="yellow"';
if ((int)$new_ppc->PP_MaxWeight != (int)$existing_ppc->PP_MaxWeight)
$weight_color = ' bgcolor="yellow"';
if ($new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID)
$sql = "UPDATE \"WeightRanges\" SET \"WR_Max\" = '{$new_ppc->PP_MaxWeight}.0000' WHERE \"WR_MC_MailClassID\" = {$new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID};\n";
if (!in_array($sql, $weight_range_updates))
$weight_range_updates[] = $sql;
if ($mailclass_color != '' or $options_color != '' or $weight_color != '')
$html .= "<tr>
<td$options_color>".implode(' + ', $new_ppc->PP_Options)."</td>
$html .= "<tr bgcolor=\"green\">
<td>".implode(' + ', $new_ppc->PP_Options)."</td>
$new_ppc->SQL = "INSERT INTO \"PPCodes\" (\"PP_Code\", \"PP_MC_MailClassID\", \"PP_IsNeopostCode\") VALUES ('{$new_ppc->PP_Code}', '{$new_ppc->PP_MC_MailClassID}', '0');\n";
$brand_new_ppcs[] = $new_ppc;
echo "<table><tr><td># in spreadsheet: ".count($new_ppcs)."</td><td># in database: ".count($existing_ppcs)."</td></tr></table>";
echo "<table><tr><td bgcolor=\"green\">".count($brand_new_ppcs)."</td><td bgcolor=\"yellow\">$changed</td></tr></table>";
$html .= "</table>";
echo $html;
echo "<pre>";
echo sqlHeader("MailClass");
foreach ($new_mailclasses as $new_mailclass) echo $new_mailclass;
echo "\n";
foreach ($mailclass_updates as $mailclass_update) echo $mailclass_update;
echo sqlHeader("PPCodes");
foreach ($brand_new_ppcs as $brand_new_ppc) echo $brand_new_ppc->SQL;
echo sqlHeader("WeightRange");
foreach ($weight_range_updates as $weight_range_update) echo $weight_range_update;
echo sqlHeader("Translations");
foreach ($translation_updates as $translation_update) echo $translation_update;
echo "</pre>";
class PPC {
public $PP_Code;
public $SQL;
public $PP_MC_MailClassID;
public $PP_Options;
public $PP_MaxWeight;
public $MailClass;
public function __construct($row = NULL)
global $o_db, $mailclasses, $ppc_options;
if ($row !== NULL)
$this->PP_Code = $row->PP_Code;
$this->PP_IsNeopostCode = $row->PP_IsNeopostCode;
$this->PP_MC_MailClassID = $row->PP_MC_MailClassID;
$this->PP_IsVATApplied = $row->PP_IsVATApplied;
$this->PP_MinWeight = $row->PP_MinWeight;
$this->PP_MaxWeight = (int)$row->PP_MaxWeight;
$this->PP_AmountToSave = $row->PP_AmountToSave;
$this->MailClass = $mailclasses[$this->PP_MC_MailClassID];
if (!$this->PP_MaxWeight)
$this->PP_MaxWeight = 0;
$result = db_query($o_db, "SELECT * FROM \"WeightRanges\" WHERE \"WR_MC_MailClassID\" = {$this->PP_MC_MailClassID}");
if ($result === FALSE) die("SELECT * FROM \"WeightRanges\" WHERE \"WR_MC_MailClassID\" = {$this->PP_MC_MailClassID}");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result))
$this->PP_MaxWeight = (int)$row->WR_Max;
$this->PP_Options = array();
$result = db_query($o_db, "SELECT * FROM \"PPCOptionsList\" WHERE \"PO_PP_Code\" = '{$this->PP_Code}'");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result))
$option = $ppc_options[$row->PO_MO_MailClassOptionID];
if (!in_array($option, $this->PP_Options))
$this->PP_Options[] = $option;
public function __toString()
return "PPC = {$this->PP_Code}\n";
function getMailClasses()
global $o_db;
$mailclasses = array();
$result = db_query($o_db, "SELECT * FROM \"Translations\" WHERE \"TS_ModuleID\" = 'MAILCLASS'");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result))
$mailclasses[$row->TS_TextKey] = $row->TS_TextValue;
return $mailclasses;
function getPPCOptions()
global $o_db;
$options = array();
$result = db_query($o_db, "SELECT * FROM \"Translations\" WHERE \"TS_ModuleID\" = 'MAILCLASSOPTION'");
while ($row = db_fetch_object($result))
$options[$row->TS_TextKey] = $row->TS_TextValue;
return $options;
function getNextMailClassID()
global $o_db;
$result = db_query($o_db, 'SELECT MAX("MC_MailClassID") FROM "MailClass"');
$row = db_fetch_object($result);
return $row->MAX + 1;
function sqlHeader($text, $width = 78, $height = 5)
$stars = str_repeat('*', $width);
$string = "\n\n".str_repeat("/$stars/\n", floor(($height - 1) / 2));
$string .= "/".str_pad(" $text ", $width, '*', STR_PAD_BOTH)."/\n";
$string .= str_repeat("/$stars/\n", floor($height / 2));
return $string;
if (!function_exists("db_fetch_object"))
function db_fetch_object($o_result)
global $sz_DatabaseEngine;
switch ($sz_DatabaseEngine)
case "ibase":
return ibase_fetch_object($o_result);
case "mysql":
return mysql_fetch_object($o_result);
case "pgsql":
return pg_fetch_object($o_result);
case "sqlite":
return sqlite_fetch_object($o_result);
return FALSE;
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