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Created August 11, 2013 00:05
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Convert coding challenge to website.
require 'sinatra'
def get_memory_usage
`ps -o rss= -p #{}`.to_i
def clean_string(input)
input.strip # removes accidental whitepsace
def fact(m) # Create factorial from input
(1..m).inject {|s,i| s *= i}
def make_hash(string) #Commandline input - creates |k,v| pair of characters to repetitions
array = string.split("") # Convert string to array
char_hash=Hash[array.group_by {|x| x}.map {|alphabet,values| [alphabet,values.count]}]
# Convert String to hash,
# STARS becomes {"s"=>2, "t"=>1, "a"=>1, "r"=>1}
def make_array(hash) # convert
array = hash.values
sum = array.inject{|sum,x| sum + x }
[sum, array]
# STARS becomes [5, [2,1,1,1]]
def outcomes_per_character(array)
factorialized_array = array[1].map{ |x| fact(x) }
multiplied_fa = factorialized_array[0..factorialized_array.length].inject(:*)
outcomes = (fact(array[0]))/(multiplied_fa)
outcomes / (array[0]) # per character
get '/code/:input_s' do #Sinatra Route. put & post yield nothing.
input_string = clean_string(params[:input_s])
# Observe starting conditions #
before = get_memory_usage
beginning = # Begin timer
# Observe starting conditions #
alpha_test = ( (input_string.length > 1 && input_string.length < 26) && (input_string.match(/^[[:upper:]]+$/)) && ((input_string.chars.to_a.uniq).count > 1) )
cache_sum = 0
if alpha_test == nil
#puts "nil "
puts "'#{input_string}' is invalid."
puts "Please check the input. Input must contain uppercase characters A-Z. No numbers. No special characters"
puts ""
if alpha_test == false
#puts "false "
puts "'#{input_string}' is invalid"
puts "Please check the input. Input must have 2 or more unique characters, and must be less than 26 characters"
puts ""
while input_string.length > 0
input_array = input_string.split("")
hash = make_hash(input_string)
array = make_array(hash)
outcomes = outcomes_per_character(array)
cache = hash.each {|k, v| hash[k] = v * outcomes }
cache_keys = hash.keys
cache_values = hash.values
cache_upper = cache_values[0..cache_keys.index( input_array[0]) ].inject(:+)
cache_lower = cache_upper - ( cache.fetch(input_array[0]))
cache_sum = cache_sum + cache_lower #sum the lowest possible answer per factorial
input_string.slice!(0) #discard first character from input
cache_sum += 1 # Add 1 to convert from cardinal number to ordinal number
puts ""
puts "The input '#{clean_string(params[:input_s])}' is ranked # #{cache_sum}"
# Observe ending conditions #
after = get_memory_usage
puts "---------------------------------------"
puts "Time elapsed #{ ( ( - beginning)*1000).round(3) } milliseconds, memory used: #{(after-before).to_s}KB " #Print elapsed time & memory useage.
puts "---------------------------------------"
puts ""
# Observe ending conditions #
## This area *should* print to the site @ /code/:input_s, but does not ##
"The input '#{clean_string(params[:input_s])}' is ranked # #{cache_sum}"
"Time elapsed #{ ( ( - beginning)*1000).round(3) } milliseconds, memory used: #{(after-before).to_s}KB " #Print elapsed time & memory useage.
## This area *should* print to the site @ /code/:input_s, but does not ##
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