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Last active January 3, 2022 11:59
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A SCSS function to create a fluid value that is clamped between a min and max value.
@import "utils/fluid";
.element {
// Create a fluid value between the viewport widths 375px and 1920px (which are defined as defaults in the function)
padding: fluid(10px, 40px);
// Create a fluid value between 375px and 1024px
margin: fluid(10px, 40px, 375px, 1024px);
$min-viewport-width: 375px;
$max-viewport-width: 1920px;
@function strip-unit($value) {
@return $value / ($value * 0 + 1);
@function fluid(
$min-vw: $min-viewport-width,
$max-vw: $max-viewport-width
) {
$min-value: $start-value;
$max-value: $end-value;
@if $end-value < $start-value {
$min-value: $end-value;
$max-value: $start-value;
@return clamp(
#{$start-value} + ((1vw - #{$min-viewport-width / 100}) * #{(
(strip-unit($end-value - $start-value) / strip-unit($max-vw - $min-vw)) * 100
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