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Last active October 21, 2018 19:09
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using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
/// <summary>
/// Dll Injector
/// Made by BahNahNah
/// </summary>
public class DllInjector
/// <summary>
/// Gets the last error
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static string GetLastError()
return new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()).Message;
/// <summary>
/// Injects a dll into the target process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="TargetProcess">Process to inject into</param>
/// <param name="dll">Path to dll</param>
/// <returns>Success of injection</returns>
public static bool Inject(Process TargetProcess, string dll)
if (TargetProcess == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("TargetProcess");
return Inject(TargetProcess.Id, dll);
/// <summary>
/// Injects a dll into the target process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pID">Process ID of target process</param>
/// <param name="DllPath">Path to dll</param>
/// <returns>Success of injection</returns>
public static bool Inject(int pID, string DllPath)
//Opens the target process with access to modify memory and create threads
IntPtr Handle = OpenProcess( 0x8 | 0x2 | 0x400 | 0x10 | 0x20, false, pID);
if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid process id or no permission", "pID");
bool success;
Inject(Handle, DllPath, out success, false);
return success;
/// <summary>
/// Injects a dll into the target process, waits for remote thread to exit and returns dll handle
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pId">Process ID of target process</param>
/// <param name="DllPath">Path to dll</param>
/// <param name="success">Success of dll injection</param>
/// <returns>Handle of injected dll</returns>
public static IntPtr Inject(int pID, string DllPath, out bool success)
IntPtr Handle = OpenProcess(0x8 | 0x2 | 0x400 | 0x10 | 0x20, false, pID);
if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid process id or no permission", "pID");
return Inject(Handle, DllPath, out success, true);
/// <summary>
/// Injects a dll into the target process
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Handle">Handle of target process</param>
/// <param name="DllPath">Path to dll</param>
/// <param name="success">Success of dll injection</param>
/// <param name="waitForDllHandle">If true, waits for remote thread to exit then returns DllHandle</param>
/// <returns>if waitForDllHandle is true, Handle of DLL in remote process is returned, else IntPtr.Zero is returned</returns>
public static IntPtr Inject(IntPtr Handle, string DllPath, out bool success, bool waitForDllHandle)
if (Handle == IntPtr.Zero) throw new ArgumentNullException("Handle");
if (!File.Exists(DllPath)) throw new ArgumentException("Must point to a valid file", "DllPath");
//We need the FULL path of the dll when loading it
string FullDllPath = Path.GetFullPath(DllPath);
//Allocate ehough memory in the target process for the full dll path plus a "null Terminator" byte
IntPtr vAlloc = VirtualAllocEx(Handle, 0, FullDllPath.Length + 1, 0x1000, 0x40);
if(vAlloc == IntPtr.Zero)
//If the memory was not allocated, close the process handle and exit
success = false;
return IntPtr.Zero;
//Write the path of the dll into the memory that was allocated
//This is the same thing as setting a variable, except it is setting the value in the target process
if(WriteProcessMemory(Handle, vAlloc, FullDllPath, FullDllPath.Length, 0) == 0)
//If the path was not written to the target process, close the process handle and exit
success = false;
return IntPtr.Zero;
//Get the address of the kernel32 library
IntPtr hKernel32 = GetModuleHandle("kernel32.dll");
//Get the address of LoadLibraryA from inside the kernel32 library
//LoadLibraryA - ANSI string as paramiter
//LoadLibraryW - Unicode string as paramiter
//LoadLibrary - Use default (Unicode), but not avalible through GetProcAddress
IntPtr hLoadLibrary = GetProcAddress(hKernel32, "LoadLibraryA");
if(hLoadLibrary == IntPtr.Zero)
//If We could not find the address of LoadLibraryA, close the process handle and exit
success = false;
return IntPtr.Zero;
//Call "LoadLibraryA" with the full path of the dll as the paramiter in the target process in a new thread
IntPtr hThread = CreateRemoteThread(Handle, 0, 0, hLoadLibrary, vAlloc, 0, 0);
//If thread was started successfully, injection was a success
success = hThread != IntPtr.Zero;
IntPtr dllHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
if (waitForDllHandle && success)
//If injection was a success, get thread exit code
//In this case, it will be the return value of LoadLibrary or 259 if its still running
GetExitCodeThread(hThread, ref dllHandle);
//Close the process handle
//Return the handle of the created thread
return dllHandle;
#region " WinApi "
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern IntPtr VirtualAllocEx(IntPtr hProcess, int lpAddress, int dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern bool CloseHandle(IntPtr handle);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern int WriteProcessMemory(IntPtr handle, IntPtr address, string buffer, int blength, int readwrite);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError=true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetModuleHandle(string name);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr GetProcAddress(IntPtr mHandle, string fname);
[DllImport("kernel32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
private static extern IntPtr CreateRemoteThread(IntPtr pHandle, int att_0, int stacksize_0, IntPtr callingFunction, IntPtr paramiters, uint createFlags_0, int tID);
private static extern bool GetExitCodeThread(IntPtr handle, ref IntPtr retBuffer);
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