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Created January 25, 2012 14:37
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Cakefile using muffin.js (the way of `q' use, pathetic..)
# Include required libraries.
muffin = require 'muffin'
Q = require 'q'
_ = require 'underscore'
temp = require 'temp'
tempdir = temp.mkdirSync()
# Client scripts setting.
addPath = (path, files) ->
path += '/' if /[^\/]$/.test(path)
files[_i] = path + file for file in files
LIBS = addPath 'resources/client/libs', [
FILES = addPath 'resources', [
OUTPUT = "public/javascripts/client"
# Internal functions.
outputResult = (result) ->
out = result[0]
err = result[1]
if not err and out
console.log out
concat = (minify) ->
min = if minify then '.min' else ''
my = "#{tempdir}/my#{min}.js"
q = muffin.exec "cat #{LIBS.join ' '} #{my} > #{OUTPUT}#{min}.js"
Q.when q[1], outputResult
minify = (callback) ->
q = muffin.minifyScript "#{tempdir}/my.js"
Q.when q, concat.bind(null, false)
joinAndCompile = (options) ->
q = muffin.exec "coffee -cj #{tempdir}/my.js #{FILES.join ' '}"
Q.when q[1], (result) ->
err = outputResult(result)
unless err
if options.minify
minify(concat.bind(null, true))
compileStylus = (file) ->
q = muffin.exec "stylus -c -o ./public/stylesheets/ #{file}"
Q.when q[1], outputResult
# Options.
option '-w', '--watch', 'continue to watch the files and rebuild them when they change'
option '-m', '--minify', 'minify client side scripts'
# Tasks.
task 'build', 'Build coffeescripts.', (options) ->
compileClientScripts = true
files: './**/*'
options: options
'': (matches) ->
muffin.compileScript matches[0], "./app.js", options
'resources/(server|share)/(.+?).coffee': (matches) ->
muffin.compileScript matches[0], "./lib/#{matches[2]}.js", options
'resources/(client|share)/(.+?).coffee': (matches) ->
if compileClientScripts
compileClientScripts = false # To prevent wasted compiles
'resources/client/stylus/(.+?).styl': (matches) ->
compileStylus matches[0]
after: ->
compileClientScripts = true
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