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Forked from bzamecnik/model_summary.txt
Created August 16, 2018 06:53
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Residual LSTM in Keras
Layer (type) Output Shape Param # Connected to
input_1 (InputLayer) (None, 32, 10) 0
lstm_1 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 input_1[0][0]
add_1 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 input_1[0][0]
lstm_2 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_1[0][0]
add_2 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_1[0][0]
lstm_3 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_2[0][0]
add_3 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_2[0][0]
lstm_4 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_3[0][0]
add_4 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_3[0][0]
lstm_5 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_4[0][0]
add_5 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_4[0][0]
lstm_6 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_5[0][0]
add_6 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_5[0][0]
lstm_7 (LSTM) (None, 32, 10) 840 add_6[0][0]
add_7 (Add) (None, 32, 10) 0 add_6[0][0]
lambda_1 (Lambda) (None, 10) 0 add_7[0][0]
lstm_8 (LSTM) (None, 10) 840 add_7[0][0]
add_8 (Add) (None, 10) 0 lambda_1[0][0]
Total params: 6,720
Trainable params: 6,720
Non-trainable params: 0
# Stacked LSTM with residual connections in depth direction.
# Naturally LSTM has something like residual connections in time.
# Here we add residual connection in depth.
# Inspired by Google's Neural Machine Translation System (
# They observed that residual connections allow them to use much deeper stacked RNNs.
# Without residual connections they were limited to around 4 layers of depth.
# It uses Keras 2 API.
from keras.layers import LSTM, Lambda
from keras.layers.merge import add
def make_residual_lstm_layers(input, rnn_width, rnn_depth, rnn_dropout):
The intermediate LSTM layers return sequences, while the last returns a single element.
The input is also a sequence. In order to match the shape of input and output of the LSTM
to sum them we can do it only for all layers but the last.
x = input
for i in range(rnn_depth):
return_sequences = i < rnn_depth - 1
x_rnn = LSTM(rnn_width, recurrent_dropout=rnn_dropout, dropout=rnn_dropout, return_sequences=return_sequences)(x)
if return_sequences:
# Intermediate layers return sequences, input is also a sequence.
if i > 0 or input.shape[-1] == rnn_width:
x = add([x, x_rnn])
# Note that the input size and RNN output has to match, due to the sum operation.
# If we want different rnn_width, we'd have to perform the sum from layer 2 on.
x = x_rnn
# Last layer does not return sequences, just the last element
# so we select only the last element of the previous output.
def slice_last(x):
return x[..., -1, :]
x = add([Lambda(slice_last)(x), x_rnn])
return x
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Example usage
from keras.layers import Input
from keras.models import Model
input = Input(shape=(32, 10))
output = make_residual_lstm_layers(input, rnn_width=10, rnn_depth=8, rnn_dropout=0.2)
model = Model(inputs=input, outputs=output)
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